Thu. Sep 19th, 2024
Laura (Screenshot, Fox News YouTube)

An elementary school student is celebrating a sweet victory for faith.

First Liberty Institute reached out to the school on Laura’s behalf. The school said if they found a sponsor for the club, they would allow it.

First Liberty’s email to Creekside Elementary said:

By singling out a religious club and providing it inferior access to school resources than what it provides to other noncurricular groups, the District shows a hostility to religion that violates the Free Exercise Clause.

Laura’s prayer club is slated to begin next week. She says interested students have already approached her about the club. Her plan for the group is to complete community service projects and spend time praying with one another.

“It was just a great lesson to learn that even an 11-year-old girl can make a big difference,” Laura said. “Some people may think that, ‘Oh, I won’t make a difference,’ but I’ve just learned that anyone can make a difference.”

Laura’s struggle and victory is a reminder that God will always go before us no matter what we are facing.

Abby Trivett is a marketing copywriter and coordinator for Charisma Media.

Abby Trivett is copywriter for Charisma and an editorial intern.

By Abby Trivett

Abby Trivett is copywriter for Charisma and an editorial intern.

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