Thu. Sep 19th, 2024

There is only one path forward for the embattled prime minister of Israel: the return of the hostages taken during the Oct. 7, massacre and the complete elimination of the terrorist organization known as Hamas.

As the world recoiled from the horrors observed as Hamas paraded the dead bodies of young Israeli women through the streets, many said it was only a matter of time until the media, and the world, would turn against Israel in their retaliatory strikes against those who carried out the worst massacre of the Jewish people since the Holocaust.

Now, as the International Criminal Court in the Hague weighs the option of issuing arrest warrants to some of Israel’s top officials, Netanyahu brazenly defied them during his address on Holocaust Remembrance Day, and anyone else who stand in the path of Israel ensuring her and her people’s safety in the future.

“From here in Jerusalem, I am sending a very clear-cut message: you will not chain our hands and even if Israel has to stand alone, it will stand alone and will continue to fight our enemies until victory,” Netanyahu told the world.

In the speech, Netanyahu switched between speaking Hebrew and English, but the message remained the same, Jews may have been unarmed and powerless during the Holocaust, but this is no longer the case.

“No nation came to our aid. Today again, we face enemies bent on our destruction. I say to the leaders of the world: no amount of pressure… will stop Israel from defending itself. As prime minister, I pledge here today from Jerusalem on this Holocaust Remembrance Day, if Israel is forced to stand alone, Israel will stand alone,” the prime minister roared.

“We will defeat our genocidal enemies. Never again is now.”

The path forward certainly appears to be a lonely one for Israel, as her once-closest ally, the United States of America, has bowed before the radical anti-Israel forces.

The Biden administration has maintained their position of being against an invasion of the city of Rafah, which began Tuesday, Apr. 7.

In response to the march of Israeli tanks and armored personnel carriers, the United States halted a large arms transfer to Israel, which the nation badly needs in her war against Hamas.

Perhaps Netanyahu’s words were prophetic without him even realizing it.

There is one certainty among all of this of course, and that is the covenant that God made with Abraham in the book of Genesis is alive and well today, and His hand of protection is upon His people.

James Lasher is Staff Writer for Charisma Media.

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