Morning Rundown: 8 Demonic Items You Need to Get Out of Your House

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8 Demonic Items You Need to Get Out of Your House

Today we see items from a variety of cultures wherever we go, whether in stores, restaurants or traveling the road. However, not all items are innocent and should not be brought into your house.

In one of his latest videos, Vlad Savchuk identified the eight objects associated with demonic spirits that you need to get rid of immediately.

Any Native American jewelry, pottery or symbols that were created with the intention of acting as a spirit guide.

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The Nephilim Revealed? 10-Foot-Tall Human Remains Found

Have Nephilim remains been found?

According to Indy 100, human remains were discovered in the state of Nevada. These skeletons were massively larger than the average-sized human today, some measuring as much as 10 feet tall and are believed to be around 3,000 years old.

Some of the bodies of these 10-foot-tall giants were discovered in a mummified state, even with red hair.

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Leonard Ravenhill: What Are the Signs of a True Prophet?


Confusion and deception run rampant in the world today, and people are seeking ways to differentiate truth from falsehood.

As many search for these answers, there are those who would manipulate and take advantage of the lost seeking their shepherd.

In times of great turmoil, God has sent prophets to declare to nations that they need to repent and turn away from their sins. Some have heeded this warning, such as the city of Nineveh, while others have rejected God’s call for repentance, like ancient Israel.

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