Morning Rundown: 5 Things to Know From the State of the Union Address

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5 Things to Know From the State of the Union Address

What did you miss from the State of the Union address? Here are the five things you need to know.

1. The president discussed the assault on freedom and democracy overseas and here in America. He insinuated that Donald Trump and Republicans hid the truth about the events that took place on January 6. He also poked at Trump for not being a good sport about how the 2020 election turned out.

“Not since President Lincoln and the Civil War [has] our freedom and democracy been under assault as there are today,” Biden said.

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Mike Bickle ‘Unfit to Lead a Ministry’ Say 8 Christian Leaders

In the wake of mounting allegations of sexual and spiritual abuse by IHOPKC founder Mike Bickle, eight prominent Christian leaders have released a joint statement declaring he should no longer be involved in ministry.

These eight voices—Michael Brown, Jack Deere, Dan Juster, Patricia King, Joseph Mattera, Sam Storms, Michael Sullivant and Terri Sullivant—write that Bickle is “unfit” for ministry, and IHOPKC has “lost credibility in the eyes of many.”

From the time that the charges were first brought against Mike, while addressing this scandal on different levels within our own circles of ministry and in various public settings, we have been waiting for proper investigations to take place and all charges to be known before making final, definitive statements. Some of us have also been working behind the scenes over these months to help ensure that a proper investigation takes place. But since this process has dragged on for so long, we can wait no longer and feel a sacred responsibility to make this unequivocal, joint statement.

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‘I Saw Organized Evil’: Actor Rob Schneider on Fear, Coercion and a Failure to Follow Through

Actor Rob Schneider believes many of the actions taken during the COVID-19 lockdowns originated in “fear” and, as a result, were misplaced or missed the mark.

“I saw organized evil, and people coerced into doing things,” he said. “And then closing churches while they kept open strip clubs, and marijuana places, and liquor stores.”

Schneider continued, “At a certain point, you realize that there is a darkness that, every hundred years or so, befalls the Earth and human beings—and you better be prepared for it.”

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