Sat. Oct 5th, 2024

Do You Need Breakthrough?

We are just a few weeks away from the new year and once again, everyone is talking about change. Things we will do differently or better. Things we will omit or increase in our routine. New Year’s resolutions are being contemplated, discussed, and even planned.

We ponder the undisciplined things in our life and the changes we will need to make. And deep down in our hearts we hope for a better year.

But honestly, what are the chances we will truly follow through with our resolutions?

Beyond The Article With Tammy Hotsenpiller

Does Making New Year Resolutions Really Work?

Have you ever wondered where the idea of making New Year’s resolution came from?

It seems that New Year’s resolutions have existed for some time. In 1671 Anne Halkett, (also known as Lady Halkett, an English religious writer, and autobiographer) records a number of pledges, typically taken from biblical passages such as “I will not offend anymore” in her personal diary. She titled her entry “Resolutions” and wrote them each year on January 2.

This possibly indicates that the practice was in use at the time, even if people did not refer to them as New Year’s resolutions.

Then, by the beginning of the 19th century, it was a common practice for people to make New Year’s promises and resolutions for personal change and healthy practices in their lives.

One thing is for sure, whatever your experience with New Year’s Resolutions, one thing is for sure, the beginning of the year is a great time for re-evaluation and personal change.

So, what if you really could see personal growth and change in your life? Would you want it? Would you be willing to do something about it? What if I told you change had nothing to do with resolution, but everything to do with your faith?

As a Life Coach, I have worked with countless clients discussing the steps to personal change. From the beginning of time humanity has sought for a way to bring about change in their lives. What if I told you that even the disciples struggled to see change in their lives as well?

There is a unique story in the Bible where the disciples came to Jesus frustrated and were questioned their ability to see a miracle. They knew the results did not come from their hand but from the hand of Almighty God, but Jesus had given them power and authority over weakness and illness. They had seen firsthand the personal changes that took place in the lives of others. But now they were stuck.

Jesus took this moment to teach them a valuable lesson.

Some things in our life can only happen through prayer and fasting. Jesus was teaching these young disciples that true healing and life changes often come through the combination of our prayer and our fasting.

So, what if your change could also come with the same formula?

Can Fasting Really Bring About Change in My Life?

I have become a student on the subject of fasting. I have just finished writing my third book on the topic, and it has led me to a deeper understanding that our personal walk and journey with God can truly see breakthrough and personal change by exercising our faith through fasting.

So, we must ask the question, “Can the spiritual discipline of fasting help me stay committed to my desire for true New Year’s resolutions?”

Or maybe we ask, “Can fasting really bring about change in my life?”

To answer that question, let’s look at the Word of God. In Matthew 17:21, Jesus said to his disciples, some things only happen by prayer and fasting. As we mentioned the disciples struggled to see a young boy healed from his torturous life. They were frustrated over their inability to see a miracle.

Jesus simply gave them the key. Prayer and Fasting.

If you’re struggling with bad habits, negative thoughts, a lack of discipline, or just feeling hopeless, fasting for personal change in your life could be the answer.

Adding Fasting to Faith Foundation

My story may be like yours. Although I grew up in a faith-based environment, we did not practice the discipline of fasting. We prayed, and we sang, and we went to church, but we were never taught to fast.

I believe this spiritual truth is the key to opening the door to victory and breakthrough in our lives.

In my new book, Fasting for a Change, I walk you through 21-days of personal life development and breakthrough. I cover topics like, courage and faith, leadership and loyalty, integrity, and patience. All these and many more, will empower you to be the person God created you to be.

I think you would agree that we are living in unprecedented times. From the covid pandemic to the current Middle East crisis, the enemy has brought a spirit of fear, confusion, and deception. People are struggling to find hope and victory in their personal lives.

I believe fasting is woven throughout the Scriptures to teach us how to suppress our flesh and persevere through prayer. Throughout the Bible we read story after story how prayer and fasting were the key elements to bring clarity and victory.

Whether it was the 40 days in the wilderness, that Jesus taught us to battle the enemy, or the 40 days on the mountaintop where Moses communed with God, or the 40 days that Elijah journeyed with God trusting Him for protection and direction, fasting was the common denominator, in all three scenarios.

Fasting can bring about change. Change in your personal life, change in your family, change in your health, and even change in our country.

Do you remember the story of Queen Esther when she asked her people to fast for a miracle? Here we have the story of a young queen, whose people were threatened to be murdered and annihilated.

Her fast gave her the strength, wisdom, and clarity to approach the King and present her argument.

God honored her fast and gave her much more than she even asked.

God has a way of doing that you know. Ephesians 3:20 reminds us, “Now to Him who is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that works in us.”

Throughout the Bible we read story after story of how prayer and fasting were the key elements to bring clarity and victory. In the book of Acts, the disciples were all gathered together when the Holy Spirit fell upon them and gave them the direction for sending out Barnabas and Saul for the ministry God had prepared for them. Fasting and prayer gave way to the supernatural encounter they all had.

“As they ministered to the Lord and fasted, the Holy Spirit said, ‘Now separate to Me Barnabas and Saul for the work to which I have called them.’ Then, having fasted and prayed, and laid hands on them, they sent them away,” (Acts 13:2-3). Fasting can bring strategies and victories that can only be found through the supernatural hand of God. As a Pastor and Life Coach, one of the greatest resources, I share with both our congregation and my clients is the discipline of fasting.

We have seen firsthand miracles and divine breakthroughs that can only be explained through our faith and our fasting. However, this does not go out except by prayer and fasting.

The Full Toolbox of Our Faith

When my husband and I started Influence Church in Anaheim Hills, California, we knew we wanted to have a place where people could pray and exercise their faith. We built a Prayer Wall inside our lobby similar to the Wailing Wall in Jerusalem. It is now currently filled with thousands of prayer requests.

I can tell you that as a congregation, we stand at that wall with our hands placed over our prayer requests, regularly fasting and believing God for miracles and breakthroughs.

Let me remind you once again of the passage in Matthew 17:20-21: “Jesus said to his disciples. ‘Because of your unbelief; assuredly, I say to you, if you have faith as a mustard seed, you will say to this mountain, “Move from here to there,” and it will move; and nothing will be impossible for you. However, this does not go out except by prayer and fasting.’” Fasting is not a suggestion for those who call themselves followers of Jesus, it is the answer to your breakthrough.

As we embark on 2024, would you join me in making a New Year’s resolution to Fast, Pray and ask God for miracles and breakthroughs in your life?

Remember, some things only happen by prayer and fasting.

What is your “Some Thing”?

Tammy Hotsenpiller is an author, speaker, life coach and leader of a national women’s movement. She is president of Total Life Coach, LLC, and founder and executive director of Women of Influence. Hotsenpiller and her husband, Phil, are co-founders of Influence Church in Anaheim Hills, California. They live in Orange County and are blessed with three children and seven grandchildren.

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