Sat. Oct 5th, 2024

Greg Laurie: ‘Bible Prophecy Is Being Fulfilled in Your Lifetime’

Chess game between Russia and Israel (

Whether many Christians choose to believe it or not, Pastor Greg Laurie says we are “seeing Bible prophecy fulfilled in our lifetime,” and we could be on the cusp of the series of events foretold in Ezekiel 37 and 38—the Battle of Armageddon.

As the attacks on Israel by terrorist groups like Hamas and Hezbollah—and threats from neighboring Iran—ramp up, Laurie says it’s still unclear where the current conflict is headed. But, the ongoing bloodshed in Israel and the Gaza Strip is a strong indication that it could be the start of a series of events predicted in Scripture centuries ago, and how Bible prophecy focuses on one city in particular.

“It’s in real time, before your very eyes,” Laurie said in a recent sermon posted on X. “… It’s interesting how it always comes back to Jerusalem. The Bible predicted thousands of years ago that the end time events would evolve around Jerusalem. Not San Francisco. Not Los Angeles. Not Moscow. Not Paris.

“But Jerusalem, this tiny little city in this tiny sliver of land, will play a key role in the events of the last days. It’s the focal point of end times events.”

Laurie quoted the prophet Zechariah, who foretold how God would use the city of Jerusalem to bring his judgment upon the world. Zechariah 12:3 reads, “And it will be on that day that I will set Jerusalem as a weighty stone to all the peoples. All who carry it will surely gash themselves, and all the nations of the land will be gathered against it.”

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Interpretation of Bible prophecy often divides the church, but Laurie says there is little question that the “super sign” that set the prophetic clock in motion is the regathering of the Jews to Israel—their homeland. In recent years, tens of thousands of Jews have made Aliyah to Israel.

Iran has certainly left little doubt in recent years that one of its main objectives is to destroy Israel. Bible scholars have speculated that what was foretold in the latter chapters of Ezekiel will ultimately lead to an invasion from the north to Israel by “Magog”—which many believe to be Russia.

Thus the connection with Iran, Laurie says.

“There’s another thing the Bible says about Magog. If she is indeed Russia, one of her allies that will march with her will be Persia,” Laurie says. Laurie noted Persia is the ancient name for Iran.

“So, the Bible predicted hundreds of years ago that this large force from the north of Israel would attack her after she was regathered, and one of the allies that would attack Israel with mother Russia, or Magog, whoever it is, would be Iran, or Persia, Laurie says.

“I’m not saying this is going to lead to [that] scenario, but I’m saying it’s very interesting. If you get up in the morning and read this headline ‘Russia attacks Israel,’ fasten your seat belt.” {eoa}

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Shawn A. Akers is the online editor at Charisma Media.

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