Sat. Oct 5th, 2024

41 Answers to Your Questions About Hamas, Terrorism, Israel and the End Times

Hamas (ABC News YouTube channel screenshot)

Many around the world have been tuned in to what is happening in the Middle East and to the cowardly attack on the State of Israel. Some, however, may still need some education about the Holy Land, and about the terrorist organization that perpetrated the attack.

Here are 41 facts you need to know about Israel and Hamas as of Tuesday, Oct. 10:

1. Number of rockets fired by Hamas: estimates as low as 2,500, as high as 5,000.

2. Number of innocent Israelis killed: 900, but still rising (many or most are civilians, including babies and elderly Holocaust survivors). Eleven of the dead are Americans.

3. Number of Israelis injured: 2,500 (and rising).

4. Number of Israelis kidnapped: Not known, but reportedly between 100-180.

5. Number of young girls kidnapped whose bodies were cut to pieces: reportedly, one that is known, so far.

6. Number of known little Israeli boys who were whipped in public by Hamas while he was crying “Mamma:” reportedly, one that is known, so far.

7. Number of Palestinian Muslim terrorist/mass murderers supported by Iran that came into Israel: reportedly between 800-1,000.

8. Number of points at which they made entry in Israel: approximately 80.

9. Number of Israeli communities attacked: 20.

10. Number of Israeli military bases attacked: 11.

11. Name of the Operation by Hamas (and Iran): “The Al-Aqsa Storm.”

12. Official name of Hamas: Islamic Resistance Movement. “Hamas” in Hebrew means “violence.”

13. Religion of Islamic Resistance Movement: Islam, obviously.

14. Name that one gets called by Leftists for pointing that out: Islamophobic.

15. Nation sponsoring the mass murderers: Iran.

16. Official state religion of Iran: Islam, Shia.

17. (Repeating for emphasis) Name that one gets called by Leftists for pointing that out: Islamophobic.

18. Amount of dollars sent in cash to Iran by Obama in 2016: $1.7 Billion.

19. (Repeating for emphasis) The nation sponsoring the mass murders of Israeli citizens: Iran.

20 Amount of dollars approved to be unfrozen and sent to Iran by Biden as of September 2023: $6 Billion.

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21. (Repeating for emphasis) The nation sponsoring the mass murder of Israeli citizens: Iran.

22. Persons complicit with supporting Iran, the No. 1 state sponsor of mass killing, pain and suffering: Obama and Biden, and by extension, the U.S.A.

23. Appropriate response from us as citizens of the U.S.A. for the sins of our presidents: Repentance.

24. Primary religion in Israel: Jewish, but others are allowed.

25. Name for the hatred of Jews: Antisemitism.

26. Most number of Jews killed in one day since the Holocaust (1941-45) 80 years ago: Saturday, Oct. 7, 2023, by Iran and its proxies.

27. Leader of the killer of Jews 80 years ago: Hitler

28. Leader of the killer of Jews now: Iran (via Hezbollah, Hamas and many other groups)

29. Most consistently hated, persecuted, murdered people-group throughout history: The Jews

30. Why the Jews are hated: Because they remind people of YHWH, God (The Jews gave us the Torah, the teaching, the Law, the Prophets, the teaching regarding a Messiah), and if there is a God, then people are not god, and since there is a God, there is a moral law, and people do not want to follow the moral law, because they want to make themselves god. That is why the Jews are hated. They remind people that there is a God.

31. What the Jews want: A tiny piece of land which compromises only 1/3 of 1% of all the Middle East, on which they can live in peace.

32. Percentage of land of the Middle East which the Muslims have: 99.7% of the land in the Middle East.

33. What the Islamic jihadists want: All Jews to be killed.

34. Percentage of the world’s population that is Jewish: 16 million or 2/10ths of 1% of 8 billion

35. Percentage of the world’s population that is Muslim: 1.7 billion or 21% of 8 billion.

36. Amount of land promised by God in the Bible to Israel: from the Nile to the Euphrates, or approximately 300,000 square miles.

37. Most amount of land Israel had (which was under King David): approximately 200,000 square miles.

38. Amount of land Israel has now: approximately 8,100 square miles, a tiny fraction of what God promised in the Bible.

39. Countries and persons supporting Israel now: Most nations and most persons (but how long will this support last?)

40. Countries and persons who will continue to support Israel over the next few days after Israel does what it must do to Hamas, and possibly Hezbollah and possibly Iran: Not certain. Watch capitulating nations and Neville Chamberlain-type persons start to criticize Israel for doing what it must do. For the rest of us, stand firm with Israel.

41. Major calling: Pray for the peace of Jerusalem.

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Dr. Jim Garlow is the Founder and CEO of Well Versed, a ministry to Members of Congress, Ambassadors at the United Nations in New York City, and other elected officials, bringing Biblical principles of governance to government leaders. He served on President Trump’s Faith Advisory team for four years, and has met in small delegations with 10 presidents and prime ministers (and one king) from around the world. Garlow is an author, communicator, commentator, historian, cultural observer and has served most of his adult life as a pastor. Garlow is heard daily on nearly 800 radio outlets nationwide in his one-minute commentary called “The Garlow Perspective.”

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