Sat. Oct 5th, 2024

Top of the Week: Bringing End Times Into Focus With the Dominion Anointing


Following are snippets of the top stories posted this week on We encourage you to visit the links to read the stories in full.

Bringing End Times Into Focus With the Dominion Anointing

Any believer who is paying attention to unfolding events knows history’s clock is winding down.

Those who follow biblical prophecy and those who have their thumb on the pulse of God’s timetable know we are quickly approaching a very significant time in the history of the world. The dominion anointing brings these end times into focus.

Jesus talked to His disciples about two particular events that would herald the approach of the end times. We will call these two events “triggers” for the end times. We find the first one in Matthew 24:32–33 and the second one in Luke 21:24.

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Why Some Jews Are Believing Jesus Is the Jewish Messiah

Years ago I met Peter Drucker, the marketing guru who said that an unexpected surprise is often the first indication of a trend. I’ve never forgotten that and I look for “unexpected” surprises as a foreshadowing of things to come.

Recently, Sid Roth’s ministry, Messianic Vision, created three one-minute commercials that have aired on secular cable channels giving “irrefutable proof” that Jesus is the Jewish Messiah. The positive response to these ads surprised me, making me wonder if this is the beginning of a new trend toward more openness to the message of Jesus in the Jewish community. I think so and I’ll tell you why.

This message about Jesus is pretty controversial in Jewish circles. The fact that these left-leaning media outlets even accepted the ads is amazing. Secular media are disinclined to air anything about Christianity even as paid advertising. So that alone caught my attention. But even more amazing was how many people visited the ministry website so far.

Want to Start Winning Your Spiritual Battles? Start Slaying These Dragons

As a missionary evangelist to the nations, Daniel Kolenda frequently encounters levels of spiritual warfare that most people don’t see in their day-to-day lives.

He casts out devils. He deals with witchdoctors in Africa.

“The kinds of things we deal with on a daily basis are quite extraordinary,” says Kolenda, the president and CEO of Christ for all Nations, a ministry that has conducted some of the largest evangelistic events in history.

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Country Legend Randy Travis From ‘Hard Rock Bottom’ to Faith and Healing

Renowned country music icon Randy Travis, who bravely faced a life-altering health issue, will be honored at the upcoming concert titled “A Heroes and Friends Tribute to Randy Travis.” Known for his chart-topping hits like “Hard Rock Bottom of Your Heart” and “Forever and Ever, Amen,” Travis has been an influential figure in the country music world.

Scheduled to take place in October at Von Braun Center’s Propst Arena in Huntsville, Alabama, the tribute concert holds great significance for the singer. In 2013, Randy Travis was diagnosed with aphasia, a condition that severely affected his speech, following a massive stroke. Despite his limited ability to communicate verbally, the fact that fellow country stars are coming together to celebrate his illustrious career means the world to him.

In an interview with Fox News Digital, Randy and his devoted wife, Mary, shared their sentiments about the tribute event. Mary expressed how much it touched Randy’s heart to know that his music left a lasting impact on others. Even though he can no longer perform his own songs, witnessing other talented artists stepping in to pay homage to his catalog is truly heartwarming for both of them.

God’s Road Map Into His Presence

God gave Moses the road map into His presence. This road map is more than a historical account of a Jewish religious custom. This is a relevant road map of the biblical protocol and pattern we follow to access the presence of Jehovah God.

The Old Testament tabernacle shows us the seven practices of the presence of God. When God gave Moses the plans for the tabernacle in Exodus 25–31, He told him where to place the gate, the altar of sacrifice, the laver, the lampstand, the table of shewbread, the altar of incense and the ark of the covenant. These represent the seven manifestations of the practices of God’s presence.

When you begin to commune and fellowship with Jesus by practicing His presence, you have entered through the gate. You have entered the realm of the spirit, because it’s impossible to experience His presence from outside. Suddenly, Jesus is real. And when Jesus is real, faith is born. You don’t need to seek faith; you only need to seek Jesus, and He’ll give you the faith.

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