Sat. Oct 5th, 2024

Is Israel’s Democracy in Mortal Danger?

Israel's democracy may be in trouble. (Charisma News archives)

Author, ministry leader, Bible teacher and Middle East News correspondent Amir Tsarfati says Israel is in the midst of its most dangerous situation since it was established in 1948.

News reports have it that a civil war is about ready to erupt in Israel, with former Prime Minister Ehud Barak and his “gang of ex-generals” have launched a coup attempt against Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and the current government.

Tsarfati says it is something that has “been in the making for a few years now,” and that “judicial reform was just the excuse.”

“We have videos of zoom calls from over two years ago where they already talked about this,” Tsarfati said in a recent social media post. “Right now, it is crucial for that the Israeli government and parliament to show that its democracy is stronger than this or maybe this is the end of it.

“While the internal political chaos intensifies, the enemies from outside are preparing themselves for the right moment to attack.”

This comes in the middle of health problems experienced by Netanyahu. Over the weekend, he was rushed to the hospital for the second time in a week. The first time, he was released after doctors implanted a device to monitor his heart, but he was hospitalized again Sunday because it showed anomalies, prompting the need for a pacemaker.

News reports over the past few years indicate that missiles in multiple locations throughout the Middle East are pointed in Israel’s direction. The terrorist organization Hamas has continuously engaged in military attacks on Israel, as has Palestinian Islamic Jihad and other violent extremist organizations, all of which may be salivating at the chance to attack Israel at a vulnerable moment in which Israelis are fighting among themselves for control of the country.

Mike Bickle: Millions Interceding for Israel Will See the Fruit of Prayer

In June, Barak claimed that Netanyahu is “intent on destroying Israeli democracy” and urged demonstrators to revolt in a speech in Haifa.

Reuters reported that as Israel’s judicial crisis reached a crescendo, “rival demonstrators passed each other on the escalators of a Jerusalem metro station Monday,” some of whom had arrived to picket parliament and others headed to Tel Avid for a counter rally backing the government.

Tsarfati urged believers from around the world to adamantly pray for Israel. “Pray that the worst does not happen and we are attacked from several fronts at the same time,” Tsarfati says.

Israel is in the midst of The Three Weeks or Bein ha-Metzarim, a period of mourning commemorating the destruction of the first and second Jewish Temples. It began on the 17th day of the Jewish month of Tammuz—the fast of Shiva Asar B’Tammuz—and ends on the ninth day of the Jewish month of Av—the fast of Tisha B’Av, which occurs exactly three weeks later.

Mike Bickle: ‘This is the Greatest Time of Crisis’ in Israel’s History

The precarious political situation is only one of the reasons why Mike Bickle and his team at IHOPKC launched a worldwide effort to prompt millions to pray for the nation and the people of Israel in what was labeled as the Isaiah 62 Fast. It was a 21-day initiative from May 7-28 compelling believers to pray “for the increases of God’s salvation’s promises and plans for Jerusalem and Israel.”

“This prayer for Israel comes at the greatest hour of crisis in Israel’s history,” Bickle said in an inclusive interview with Charisma News in May. “But beyond that is the explosion of conversation in the body of Christ around the biblical narrative of Israel.” {eoa}

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Shawn A. Akers is the online editor at Charisma Media.

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