Sat. Oct 5th, 2024

LIVE with John Ramirez: The New You in Christ Jesus

I was the person, before Christ, who lived in the shadows of the demonic of the witchcraft world. I operated in the highest hierarchy of Satanism and had contracts with demons, principalities, territorial spirits, water spirits, marine spirits and beyond—a relationship with Satan himself.

By way of encouragement, I want to share a bit of my story—and give you some life-changing, hell-shaking information about the spiritual arsenal that will equip you not only to demolish, destroy and uproot the devil’s weapons but also to shut down the demonic door once and for all.

The Lord gave me the download in my spirit for my new book, Fire Prayers: Building Arsenals That Destroy Satanic Kingdoms, because in many emails and at many altar calls, I see Christians fragmented and spiritually incarcerated, living tormented, hopeless, defeated and depleted lives. My beloved brothers and sisters are in bondage, whether from pornography, depression, oppression or bad decisions. The devil has spiritually incarcerated them and has legal rights in their lives.

In my pre-Christian life, I got to know the devil all too well. In fact, I had many sit-down conversations with him throughout my 25 years of involvement in the occult. I operated in the spirit realm, and people could not detect or monitor me as I stood in their blind spots to curse them completely. It was witchcraft to the highest levels in the demonic kingdom. I thank God, my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, every day that He did not allow me to stay there.

I believe that in every generation God elevates a person to display His majesty and power. He did it with Saul, who was renamed and became the apostle, Paul. Throughout the centuries, He has done it with many other people, such as Nicky Cruz and David Berkowitz, the Son of Sam. Today Berkowitz’s name is the Son of Hope, and he is a great friend of mine and a brother in Christ.

Divine Connections

God is no respecter of persons, and I would love to encourage you by sharing my heart. I came from a broken home, and my father was shot and killed at the age of 33. My mom was both a mom and a dad to me, and she is my hero.

As I mentioned before, I came from a world of the highest level of the satanic. I lived in the ghettos of the South Bronx for many years. I grew up on government cheese and food stamps, and there is no shame to that at all. That’s how I know that God reveals Himself in the broken places, the fragmented places, the places of despair and brokenness. Jesus Christ is present in power whether you live in the projects of the South Bronx or East Los Angeles or in a mansion in Beverly Hills. Jesus Christ is the CEO of the universe.

Many curses have been broken in my family’s bloodlines. One of the beautiful stories is that of our education. My mom had a fourth-grade education, and my father probably had the same. I barely earned my high school diploma, but I prayed my beautiful daughter, Amanda, through college. Today she holds a bachelor’s degree in psychology, which proves that these prayers work and the devil knows it. I’m so proud of my daughter, whom I love with all my heart, that she pushed through and never gave up.

Never count yourself out, never give up, never give in—from your environment, the family you were born into or the DNA you inherited. Don’t let any of that define you or limit you. Trust in God; your victory does not depend on where you start but where you finish in Him. The Lord always has a plan for your life.

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I thank the Lord Jesus Christ for continuing to write my story. I hope this inspires you never to limit the Lord about yours. When the Lord Jesus Christ is holding the pen of your story, He will write a masterpiece about your life. That is my story and my journey today. {eoa}

Evangelist John Ramirez used to fight on the enemy’s side, so he understands from an insider’s point of view how the enemy works. He now fights for Jesus Christ and uses the experience and knowledge he must teach believers how to fight and gain victory. He is an internationally known evangelist, author and highly sought‐after speaker who teaches believers around the globe how to defeat the enemy. He has shared his powerful testimony of being miraculously saved as a high‐ranking satanic priest on It’s Supernatural! and The 700 Club, and appeared on TBN and Daystar. His book Fire Prayers (Charisma House), released in March.

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