Sat. Oct 5th, 2024

Following are snippets of the top stories posted over the past week on We encourage you to visit the links to read the stories in full.

They Shall Cast Out Spirits

Did you know that the first article in the Great Commission of Mark 16:17  is “In my name, they shall cast out devils”? This reveals to us the first of five mandates of ministry. Out of those five, three are related explicitly to subduing spirits.

In a contextual sense of scripture, the ministry of Jesus begins with contending with demonic power. In the three synoptic gospels, the ministry of Jesus starts with conquering satanic power during His time of resistance during the 40 days of temptation in the wilderness. He has (being fully God and man) legally established his authority as the champion over satanic rule to establish the Kingdom of God.

In Mark’s Gospel, the context conveys that the destiny of the 12 disciples was to preach the gospel, heal the sick, and cast out devils (Mark 3:15):

Stop Limiting the Flow of Holy Spirit’s Oil

A few years ago the Lord challenged me about my level of spiritual hunger. He showed me that even though I had repeatedly sung the words, “Lord, I want more of You,” I wasn’t as passionate for Him as I thought I was.

My church sponsored a conference about the Holy Spirit. At the close of one service I was lying on the floor near the altar asking God for another touch of His power. Several other people were kneeling at the communion rail and praying quietly for each other.

Suddenly I began to have a vision. In my mind I could see a large pipeline, at least eight feet in diameter, spanning a landscape that looked like the Texas countryside. I was looking at the pipe from the inside, and I could see a shallow stream of golden liquid flowing at the bottom. The oil in the giant pipe was only a few inches deep.

Greg Locke’s ‘Come Out in Jesus Name’ Now Available Through Streaming Services 

After a strong release in March in theaters nationwide and a return two-night engagement in AprilLocke Media’s “Come Out in Jesus Name” is now available from most streaming services including Amazon Prime, AppleTV-iTunes, GoogleTV-YouTube and The film is available to rent and purchase with each outlet.

The film was not only a breakout success for Locke Media this spring, but it also dropped a spiritual bomb on the forces of Satan. The movie follows the story of controversial Pastor Greg Locke, who took a 180-degree turn from his mainstream religious traditions and led his church into full-blown revival.

He and a diverse group of unconventional preachers—including one group known as the Demon Slayers—began to spark an important awakening through deliverance ministry, casting out demons.

Actress Finds Redemption in Jesus After Decade in a Cult

Actress Bethany Joy Lenz, known for her role in “One Tree Hill,” recently disclosed her decade-long involvement in a cult, expressing her eagerness to share her story.

During an episode of the “Drama Queens” podcast, Lenz, joined by former co-stars Hilarie Burton Morgan, Sophia Bush and guest Michaela McManus, discussed her desire to write about her experience and the subsequent 10-year recovery journey.

Lenz, who portrayed Haley James on the popular teen drama series, acknowledged the significance of her cult experience and expressed her intention to explore it in writing. However, she acknowledged the pressure of accurately conveying her ordeal and the constraints posed by ongoing legal matters surrounding the cult.

Ancient Gateway to Hell Discovered Under Church

Amidst the craziness of 2023, an astonishing discovery has emerged from a church—an entrance to the underworld. It is an intriguing find, shedding light on the historical beliefs of the Zapotec culture.

The structure, found in the Mitla, Mexico site, was once considered a gateway to hell. It consists of a labyrinth of underground passages extensively used by the Zapotecs, who inhabited the region for over 2,200 years until the arrival of the Spanish in 1521.

Although the origins of the structure date back even further, it was the Zapotecs who expanded the site before eventually leaving.






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