Sat. Oct 5th, 2024
A man stands up in a religious temple as people worship him

The Bible prophesies about the coming of the Antichrist, a lawless figure who will bring chaos and deception to the world.

In this video, Jack Hibbs, the senior pastor of Calvary Chapel Chino Hills in Chino Hills, California, says that, as believers, we can identify three significant signs that signal the imminent arrival of demonic and deceptive individual.

“People will swoon over his demonic genius,” Hibbs says.

These three signs include the destabilization of nations on a global scale, increasing natural disasters as foretold in Matthew 24 and the prevalence of wars and rumors of wars.

By examining these signs in light of Scripture, we gain insights into the events that will unfold in the end times.

1. The destabilization of nations

As we observe the current state of the world, we can witness a growing destabilization of nations. The Bible clearly indicates that the Antichrist will rise during a time of global turmoil and panic. Governments and political systems promise solutions to the world’s problems, but often fall short.

The desire for peace and prosperity is deeply ingrained in humanity, and the Antichrist will exploit this longing. Through his demonic influence, he will offer deceptive solutions and gain widespread admiration, making up his own rules as he goes. However, as believers, we should be vigilant and rely on the teachings of the Bible rather than placing our hope in worldly leaders.

“The world is really hurting right now. The globe is destabilizing on a scale never experienced before,” Hibbs says. “In a post-COVID world, global economies are so messed up. As a result of the next wave from being shut down, stores in your nation are closing. They didn’t recover, and there’s an inability for them to get back to business, whether it be bad management or something else. That’s not just here, it’s around the world and that adds to destabilizing factors.” (Luke 21:25)

2. Increasing natural disasters

Matthew 24 records Jesus’ words about the signs of the end times. One of these signs includes the increase in natural disasters. We can witness this today with rising frequencies of earthquakes, famines and incurable diseases. These calamities are harbingers of the approaching tribulation period. While believers in Christ will be spared from experiencing these events firsthand, it is crucial to recognize the signs and prepare spiritually for the future.

3. Wars and Rumors of Wars: Jesus continues describing signs of His return in Matthew 24 with the prevalence of wars and rumors of wars. In today’s world, conflicts and tensions persist in various regions, leading to unrest and violence.

The Bible predicts that the Antichrist will emerge during a time of wars, exacerbating the chaos and offering false solutions. It is important for Christians to remain discerning and not be swayed by the deceptive promises of those who seek power and control.

“Israel announced this past week that they will probably be in a full-scale war within a matter of weeks; it could be as long as a month,” Hibbs says. “Israel is surrounded right now. Rockets are pointing from Lebanon, Syria, Iran and from down south. They’re all pointed at Israel and the Bible says there is a time when this man [the Antichrist] will come on to the world scene and broker peace, because it’s obviously going to be needed.”

Believers in Jesus must remain rooted in the teachings of the Bible and stay watchful, recognizing that hope and salvation rests in Jesus Christ. While the world may be in turmoil, we can find peace and security in our faith, knowing that God is in control and will ultimately bring about His righteous plan.

“The coming of the lawless one, this is something that is not a fairytale,” Hibbs says. “This is not a movie. This is the Bible. Scripture is very clear about it.”

Shawn A. Akers is the online editor at Charisma Media.

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