Sat. Oct 5th, 2024

Charging Into the Future—Come Dream with Us Again

Pat Robertson used to quote the Scripture, “Despise not the days of small beginnings,” (Zech. 4:10). I thought of it recently when I attended his funeral at Regent University and reflected on how small CBN began and how it morphed and changed and grew to accomplish astounding things for the kingdom. Indeed, CBN probably did more to fuel the move of God we call the charismatic movement than any other single entity.

I was also struck by how Robertson kept to the basics of what God called him to do: share the gospel every way possible and to believe God to open doors. Many organizations seem to get off track as they grow, but CBN seems to have overcome that risk. In addition, Robertson was active in leadership until only a few years ago and he was sharp mentally until the end, writing books and even occasionally hosting The 700 Club. I was honored to be interviewed by him several times.

Lately these notions have inspired me, in the middle of a pivotal time for Charisma while we are undergoing one of the biggest changes we have ever made—going completely digital with Charisma Magazine Online, which we are announcing in this issue. And I will tell you that I am more excited about this than almost any new venture in the last four decades.

It is a difficult time in our culture today. Our country and the wider world need the power of the Holy Spirit as never before. That is why I wrote my new book, Spirit-Led Living in an Upside-Down World. It is why we need Charisma Magazine Online to stand for righteousness and power and integrity in a way other media don’t or won’t.

We have been online for over 20 years with a digital version of Charisma magazine most of that time. This will be new and improved, with plans for an excellent digital experience. We are planning special editions and issues devoted to the unique interests of our readers.

The new Charisma Magazine Online is Charisma magazine in the digital age, covering the moves of the Holy Spirit around the world in ways we never could in print alone. It is articles and coverage of the body of Christ that no one else does since there are few media that serve the Spirit-led community. Recently, a national charismatic leader contacted me about a huge problem he believes only Charisma is positioned to cover with our in-depth reporting and excellent writing that is truthful while ensuring the Holy Spirit aspects are included as few others today are willing or able to do.

When I started Charisma as a 24-year-old journalist, I dreamed of the day we would hit 100,000 subscribers. By God’s grace, we achieved that goal in five years. Now I dream of having 1,000,000 digital readers every issue and I hope to do it in a year. But we need your help.

First, we need you to subscribe or renew to our new digital subscription. We also ask you to share our articles and the entire digital issue, and encourage others to do the same. You will be helping Charisma Magazine Online grow stronger to serve the body of Christ as we move into our digital future.

Thank you for reading Charisma magazine. Thank you for subscribing, and for appreciating and supporting our brand of Spirit-led journalism.

I encourage you to connect with us at Charisma, and with me by watching my Strang Report video podcasts every Tuesday and Thursday. Subscribe to our many newsletters. Read our online news and features each day at and And you can support our philanthropic projects through our non-profit partner,

Charisma began as a dream. It has become a reality in spite of our “small beginnings.”

Now come dream with us again, of spreading throughout America and around the world the message of the Holy Spirit as we seek to serve and bless the body of Christ.

Stephen Strang founded Charisma in 1975. His latest book, Spirit-Led Living in an Upside-Down World, released May 16, and is available at

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