Sat. Oct 5th, 2024

Chris Reed’s Prophetic Dream Warns of Crises Striking America

People of all backgrounds, faiths and ethnicities are noticing the winds of change that are blowing across America.

The times today are so radically different from where they were even a decade ago that many wonder how much worse the deluge of immorality and fiscal irresponsibility can get before the dam breaks and God’s judgment sweeps across the land.

Acting President of MorningStar Ministries and Lead Pastor of MorningStar Church Chris Reed sat down with Charisma News and shared how a prophetic dream the Holy Spirit gave him in March 2022 is developing and evolving into fruition.

Part of his dream focused on the future of the economic status of America and the prevalence of the U.S. dollar.

“I saw an unknown man dressed in a black suit, and [he] held a $50 bill in his hand. In the dream he tore off one-third of the $50 bill,” Reed read from his notes that he wrote after experiencing the dream.

“When he tore off one-third of the $50 bill, this triggered people coming up and handing me newspapers, then running off,” he said.

“The first headline that was brought up to me says, ‘The dollar drops 30% in value’ with a subtitle which read, ‘Mideast oil strikes deal with China instead of the U.S.'” Read continued. “Then I saw another headline which was given to me which said, ‘The Perfect Storm’ with a subtitle [saying,] ‘Inflation reaches a new high.’

“I was handed another headline which said, ‘Food shortage crisis as wheat and bread imports are at a stalemate.'” he read. “Another headline was handed to me which said, ‘Riots and civil unrest as citizens demand entitlement checks.'”

Reed is open about not knowing the specific timeline around these events taking place, but since he first experienced the dream, much has happened in the economic world to bring fear of an economic disaster.

Based on the current state of world affairs, with China becoming a dominant force on the world stage as the new economic bloc BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa) continues to grow in size and influence, the U.S. dollar and economy are being threatened as never before.

Reed’s dream was not over, however; the Lord wanted more truth revealed.

“The man in black takes the rest of the $50 bill, after one-third has been previously torn off … and tears it in half,” Reed read. “When he did this, an earthquake happened under my feet.

“Another person walked up to me and handed me a headline which read, ‘Israeli and Palestinian two-state solution reached,'” he continued. “”Another headline was handed to me by another person which read, ‘Major Earthquake hits the middle of the U.S.’

“Then the man in black took the rest of the $50 bill and started tearing it into smaller pieces one by one,” Read read. “”And another person walks up [and] hands me a headline which said, ‘America in pieces’ subtitled, ‘More states secede from the nation in rebellion to the federal government.’

“Then the man in black took out a new dollar bill,” he added. “But what was interesting about it, the $1 bill looked like a cell phone … it had George Washington’s face on it … but it looked very different. I remember looking at it, and as I looked at it someone else came up and handed me another newspaper headline, and it read, ‘New currency for a renewed nation.’

“And another headline was handed to me, and it said, ‘Simplicity restored as Americans grow their own food again,'” Read recalled. “And that was the end of the dream. I had it at one of our properties up in Moravian Falls, North Carolina.”

Reed, along with many other Americans, has recognized the decline in the American economy and the dangers that are stemming from uncontrolled government spending.

These types of visions should not be the exception for Christians, but many find it difficult to believe in prophetic dreams, even from as trusted a source as Reed.

The Bible reveals how God has used prophetic dreams that often take years to come to fruition in both the Old and New Testament. Joseph, Daniel and Peter were all given dreams by the Lord when He wanted them to give a specific message to His people.

Joseph in particular addressed the social, economic and political climate of Egypt while he was prisoner and was eventually made second-in-command to Pharaoh due to the divine interpretations of dreams God gave him.

Why, then, is it so difficult for many to see that this gift has not disappeared and stands as a way for God to prepare a Goshen for His people during times of trial?

“The dream is an unfolding of events in the future that we must be prepared for,” Reed said—just as it was in the times of Joseph.

“We don’t get in fear, we just get prepared for it,” he added. “God has always provided a Goshen for His people when He was delivering them out of Egypt. When the plagues come, God always gives us a Goshen. So, the key word is preparation, not fear.”

For those who doubt, do what the Bible says and test the words given by prophetic voices such as Chris Reed against the Scripture. As it says in 1 John 4:1: “Beloved, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits to see whether they are from God, because many false prophets have gone out into the world.”

But do not throw away the gift of prophecy or the interpretation of dreams. These are gifts and warning from God, as described in His Word, to prepare His people for what is to come.

James Lasher is staff writer for Charisma Media.

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