Sat. Oct 5th, 2024

4 Scriptural Promises for This Mother’s Day

With Mother’s Day this weekend, I oddly find myself not focusing on just the women in my life, but on the men as well. I am not wondering what “the guys” will gift me with on this holiday, because they are doing dinner for Mom and me. They already told us that we “are not to cook or clean anything.” Wow!

Along with whatever they chose to purchase, they will bring us their smiles, laughter, their words of encouragement and dedication to our family that runs so deep. The men in my life are men of integrity. They are promise keepers.

I first encountered the Promise Keepers ministry as a young mother in the 1990s. As a divorced mother raising four sons and two daughters, I needed guidance. Having been raised in a patriarchal-focused family, I understood the importance of the godly influence of fathers and grandfathers. When I think of the need for the new era of Promise Keepers, four critical Scriptures come to mind:

Psalm 78:6 (NLT): “So the next generation might know them—even the children not yet born—and they in turn will teach their own children.”

Promise Keepers exists to equip men of all ages to fulfill their roles within their families, churches and businesses. I grew up with strong, godly male figures in my life. As a single mother, I knew that having those godly male role models would be vital to the growth of my four boys. What they learned and believed when they were young would influence them for the rest of their lives, whether for good or bad. We need Promise Keepers to empower men (and the women in their lives) to embrace the truth that sets them on the path of growth and godly wisdom.

Genesis 17:7 (ESV): “And I will establish my covenant between me and you and your offspring after you throughout their generations for an everlasting covenant, to be God to you and to your offspring after you.”

Growing up with men who were preachers and fathers, then later having a pastor who walked in the same revelation, gave me a great desire to raise godly sons and grandsons according to the same patterns. My sons and grandsons come from a rich history of integrity and compassion. These qualities are deeply rooted in the promises of God that we as a family hold near and dear to our hearts.

Promise Keepers is based on those same covenant promises, equipping men to live out those promises on a daily basis. When fathers and grandfathers, brothers and sons put these promises into practice, their families thrive. Mothers, fathers, sons and daughters are able to see one another the way God sees them, extending grace, mercy and encouragement in supernatural ways. We need more of this today, and Promise Keepers is committed to standing in that gap.

Exodus 3.15: “God also said to Moses, ‘Say this to the people of Israel: “The LORD, the God of your fathers, the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob, has sent me to you.” This is my name forever, and thus I am to be remembered throughout all generations.'”

In order for families to remember, truth must be taught from generation to generation. I am grateful to have been raised and mentored by men who did their best to be promise keepers. They left solid examples based upon God’s Word.

Because of my family’s commitment to remembering truth, God is not only the God of my father. He is the God of Alveda. He is the God of my sons and my daughters. He is the God of my beautiful grandchildren. We are all promise keepers, relying on the truth of God’s Word and the faithfulness of His promises. We need Promise Keepers today for men to intentionally pass the truth to upcoming generations of men.

Ephesians 3.20-21: “Now to him who is able to do far more abundantly than all that we ask or think, according to the power at work within us, to him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, forever and ever. Amen.”

God’s promises are forever. When I remember my beloved forefathers and mentors, I remember God’s promises. God has blessed my family more abundantly than I could ever ask or imagine. I thank God that He has done the same for Promise Keepers. The new era of Promise Keepers, ushered in with Ken Harrison at the helm, allows for the same encouragement I found for my family, now supplemented with modern technology and a further reach.

Now even more men will receive the encouragement and discipleship that helped build my family. Lives will change and God will be glorified. Men and women alike will reap the benefits of listening ears, kind words and godly leadership for generations to come.

As I reflect on this Mother’s Day, I think of the legacy my family leaves. I think of the godly men who led and encouraged me and equipped me to be the strong woman I am today. Because of the godly influences in my life, I was able to raise my four sons to carry on the legacy of those who went before them. What makes them so well-equipped for the job is their integrity. They are promise keepers.

On this Mother’s Day, that is the best gift I could possibly ask for. {eoa}

Alveda King is on the board of directors of Promise Keepers whose 2020 National Event is coming to AT&T Stadium in Dallas July 31-August 1. Alveda is the niece of civil rights leader Dr. Martin Luther King, Currently, Alveda is a minister of the gospel of Jesus Christ, serving as executive director of civil rights for the unborn for Gospel of Life, headed up by Father Frank Pavone of Priests for Life. She is also part of the teaching and music ministry as well as former executive director of African Humanitarian Christian Fellowship, founded by her mentor, the late Pastor Allen McNair, founder of Believers’ Bible Christian Church in Atlanta, Georgia.

Alveda lives in Atlanta and is a regular columnist for “Insiders” section as well as a Fox News contributor. She is the grateful mother of six and a blessed grandmother.

Promise Keepers is calling men back to courageous and bold servant-leadership by sparking a movement that will mobilize millions of men to follow Christ into today’s broken world as changemakers for their families, churches and communities.

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