Sat. Oct 5th, 2024

Pastor Marcus Rogers Warns Christians: ‘Do Not Shop Here’

Major corporations are suffering through massive financial setbacks from boycotts.

The Bud Light brand performed what some are calling the worst marketing campaign in history, while Target is now enduring an even greater falling out from a large section of their customer base.

So, what changed? These corporations are pushing leftist messaging and ideologies, and have been for years now.

Christians finally got some boldness in them and are speaking out and acting against the targeting of children by the radical, gender ideologues.

Pastor Marcus Rogers of Firehouse Church in Chicago is calling Christians across the country into action by exposing just how deep the demonic influence is in American culture today:

“You know, Target has been doing this for a while now, but look at this,” says Rogers holding up “Pride” clothing aimed at children and in child sizes, including clothing that is “tuck friendly.” “It’s absolutely ridiculous, and this is how it starts. Remember when they first started off, doing this ‘oh love is love,’ right? But now it’s just gotten progressively worse.

“I think that, as believers, we [have] a responsibility here because they’re getting so bold with it. …The more we don’t say anything and the more we don’t do anything, it’s going to continue to happen,” adds Rogers.

Rogers correctly points out that the activists within the radical gender ideology movements only target Christians when it comes to mockery, destruction of Bibles and other forms of derision for those of faith.

“Think about it. Why at the LGBTQ [events]…they had a guy hanging on the cross, and then some other guy is using the cross as a stripper pole. Then at many other parades they always have a gay Jesus? Why do they not do this to any other religion?” Rogers asks.

This spiritual warfare taking place encompasses much more than the fight for God’s design when it comes to gender. Satanists on other fronts are attacking the Word of God because there is a spiritual battle taking place and it manifests as attacks against God and the truth of Jesus Christ.

“Why are they only kicking Bibles around [and] ripping Bibles up at Satancon and LGBTQ events? Why is it only Christianity and not any other religion?” Rogers continues, knowing full well that Satan will attack the truth wherever he can get a tactical foothold in a person’s life.

Which brings Rogers to the current tactics the enemy is using in places like Target and Kohl’s.

The targeting of children. To normalize and desensitize children to the hyper-sexualization that is taking place in front of their impressionable eyes, and which their minds are not able to fully comprehend at that point in their lives. It sets up an entire future generation for further perversion of God’s design, and paves the way for more grotesque actions the Lord finds abominable.

“Why do [they] insist, with the drag shows, doing it with kids? Why do we have all these videos with the children? Why are you throwing money at kids, having kids dancing in bars? Why is it so important to them to do this stuff in front of kids? Why does nobody say anything?” asks Rogers.

“Here in Chicago, they got guys dressed with all kinds of filthy costumes. Some of them just all the way, you know, completely butt naked. You got grown men on leashes with thongs and stuff like that and you got little kids in the crowd and nobody seems to want to ask ‘Is that appropriate for children to see?’ How is that not child abuse?” Rogers continues.

“It is so obviously demonic,” claims Rogers. “It’s a demonic spirit, a demonic antichrist agenda behind all of it. …The spirit is trying to defy that it’s the spirit of rebellion and guess what? Rebellion is as witchcraft.”

Now the war is intensifying as Christians appear to finally be taking up positions and saying “No, we aren’t giving up anymore ground to the devil.”

The battle will only heat up, however, as Satan and his forces will not simply stop trying to corrupt the world when they are dealt a blow here or there. They will find new avenues of attack and employ even sicker tactics against the world God designed.

That is why, says Rogers, Christians must be the “Watchmen on the wall.”

“If the watchmen don’t cry out, hey, that blood is on your hands. If you’re a pastor and you’re not speaking up, that blood is on your hands.

“There’s an agenda being pushed on our children. There’s an attack on our children, and it’s a spiritual war and a lot of Christians are silent,” says Rogers.

As commanded in the book of James 1:22, “Be doers of the Word and not hearers only, deceiving yourselves.” The time for action has come, and any Christian that does not believe the enemy is going to try and make things even worse, is simply deceiving themselves.

James Lasher is Staff Writer for Charisma Media.

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