Sat. Oct 5th, 2024

Church, It’s Up to Us to Fill God’s House

“But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you; and you shall be My witnesses both in Jerusalem and in all Judea, and Samaria, and as far as the remotest part of the earth” (Acts 1:8).

As we hit the one-third mark of 2023, I want to ask you an important question: How many people will you share the gospel with last year and in the past few months?

Jesus commanded us: “Go, therefore, and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit” (Matthew 28:19).

Are you going to share your faith? Are you going to tell somebody?

We encounter people all the time that need to know about Father’s love for them. There are so many that are hurting and have lost hope. God is looking for us to be His instruments that He can use to radically change someone’s life. Will you try to reach somebody that does not know Yeshua? Will being a witness for King Jesus be a priority this year?

Beloved, time is short!

It is not enough to come together and sing songs. It is not enough to recite Bible verses and pray. We are the salt of the earth—the light of the world. We have been given a divine assignment with eternal consequences. We have work to do. God wants to use us. He wants to compel us to reach the world. Everybody can impact somebody.

This is not to condemn anyone. It is just meant to wake us up to realize; we have to say “yes” to Jesus. We need to step out of our comfort zone. We must accept the call and embrace the challenge. Sometimes that means we do what is uncomfortable. All of us have to come out of trying just to fit in. We need to make a decision to somehow come out of our perceived limits and find a way, in the spirit, to share Jesus with others.

Jesus said, “Just as the Father has sent Me, I also send you” (John 20:21)

Who will go? Who will say like Isaiah (6:8), “Here am I. Send me!”

If God is talking to you and you want a fresh anointing and power to be a witness, ask Father for it right now. Pray for the Lord to give you boldness and opportunities; so that you can be an effective witness everywhere you go.

If you mean it and are ready to be used by God, take the first action step today. Begin by starting each morning with asking Father to place people in your path that need His Son. Pray for a new anointing to effectively share the Gospel with them.

Then trust Father that He will give you the words and wisdom to be able to penetrate the heart of each person you share Yeshua with.

Beloved, let us continue to make 2023 a year dedicated to making His house full!

“Go out into the highways and hedges, and compel them to come in, that my house may be filled” (Luke 14:23).

Rabbi Kirt Schneider hosts the impactful television program “Discovering The Jewish Jesus,” which is available in more than one hundred million homes in the United States and nearly two hundred nations worldwide. In 2021 he began broadcasting on radio and now airs across America. Rabbi Schneider imparts revelation of Jesus’ Jewish heritage and His fulfillment of Messianic prophecy.  Questions of how the Old and New Testaments tie together, and how Yeshua completes the unfolding plan of The Almighty Yahweh, are answered with exceptional clarity. Please visit

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