Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

Holy Spirit Is Raising the Lord’s Revival Army

I have been blessed in my life to have the opportunity to serve the Lord with all my heart, with a genuine mindset to bring glory to His name. As an ex-devil worshiper in the highest levels of the demonic for 25 years of my life, the mercy of God and His grace and His love knocked on my door in 1999.

Jesus set me free through an encounter of leaving my body and ending up in hell. I went as a devil worshiper and came back as a believer and surrendered my life to Jesus Christ. I’ve been called to the kingdom of Jesus Christ to be an evangelist in the likes of the heroes of my faith: Nicki Cruz and Billy Graham.

I’ve been moved and touched to carry the love of Jesus in my heart for the body of Christ everywhere I go, whether domestic or international. Through my travels and many altar calls, I have seen the hand of God and the hand of the Lord move in such a supernatural way. He has not only healed and delivered people, He also sets them free from demonic oppression and demonic activity. I have witnessed Him casting out demons completely and fully from people. I have had the awesome privilege of seeing the Lord and His mercy and His grace setting His children fully and victoriously free.

But I’ve also noticed one special thing. As I minster in many places, be it London across the street from Buckingham Palace, South Japan, from the streets of Germany to the U.S. or an island in the Caribbean, Jesus is separating His remnant.

Many people’s eyes are being opened spiritually to the demonic, to generational curses and He’s lining up an army that I believe are called ‘the unknowns,’ to usher in the kingdom of Jesus Christ and to go out and get the last harvest. They are filled with the Holy Spirit, they carry an anointing in their lives and if you see them in the Spirit realm you know they’ve been with Jesus Christ.

The enemy will be very surprised when the battle begins—it has begun!—that those that he thought were going to be on the frontline are not and he made a mistake.

It reminds me of David and his 400 men in the cave. Those are the people that God is going to use for the End Times revival. People that are not looking for titles, they are not looking for positions, but they are looking for the presence of God to be manifested on the earth. Those are the people the Lord has called me to prepare for spiritual warfare discipleship and training, to be arrows in God’s quiver. I believe with all my heart that we are in that place today.

God is building up an army, a Special Ops of spiritual snipers.

They don’t just talk about the devil.

They confront the enemy.

Many will be set free and I am so blessed and honored to be part of that.

I’m excited in my spirit to see the coming days and months when the Holy Spirit is going to move in such a supernatural way. It’s time for the church to wake up and take their position on the earth.

I believe in the last days the ministry that will be standing for the Lord Jesus Christ will be spiritual warfare, deliverance ministry and the true prophetic. I’m trusting the Lord and I’m believing the Lord Jesus Christ that the army He selects from the church itself is like the book of Ezekiel, the dry bones in the valley.

The Holy Spirit is speaking life into the body of Christ for the last time ahead of huge End Times revival.

I have encountered through my altar calls, through my Inner Circle and through my eCourses those vessels of honor who have been handpicked by the Holy Spirit to fight the good fight, to make Jesus Christ proud. This is what I see in the times we’re in today, and I know that deep in my spirit.

These bold vessels are poised and ready to rise up and present a church to the north, the south, the east and the west. It is a church that today is armed and dangerous and ready to contend on behalf of the kingdom.

It is ready to set the captives free indeed.

Evangelist John Ramirez used to fight on the enemy’s side, so he understands from an insider’s point of view how the enemy works. He now fights for Jesus Christ and uses the experience and knowledge he has to teach believers how to fight and win. He is an internationally known evangelist, author and speaker who teaches believers how to defeat the enemy. His powerful testimony of being miraculously saved as a high‐ranking satanic priest has been shared on It’s Supernatural! and The 700 Club. His first book, Fire Prayers (Charisma House), debuts this month.

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