Sat. Oct 5th, 2024

When Revival Comes, Life Will Change! Part II

Revival is coming! Here are some things to consider.

 3. Treasure God’s word in your heart. Consider that Mary and Joseph had just finished an arduous journey and were in a stable with animals when she went into labor. Joseph, a carpenter, had likely never delivered anything before. But he delivers Jesus. They wrap Him up and lay Him in a manger, hoping to get some rest. When suddenly, a bunch of excited, smelly shepherds come looking for their baby. They explain how angels appeared and told them to find the Messiah. Mary had to be exhausted. But she recognized that God was speaking through the shepherds. She took note of what they said and treasured every word.

Over the years, she undoubtedly heard plenty of negative, hurtful things about herself and about Jesus.  But when times were challenging, she remembered the promises and proclamations of the Lord, so she was able to persevere. Those words of God helped her trust even when she did not understand what God was doing.

God is speaking glorious things to many believers now about the coming revival. We need to treasure those words so when the enemy comes in like a flood to discourage or derail us from participating in God’s plan, we too will persevere. We may not always understand what God is doing, but if we hold on, we’ll see the fullness of His plan—just like Mary did.

4. Be assured, God will provide.  After Jesus’ birth, Mary and Joseph settled in Bethlehem and were doing okay. Matthew 2:11 tells us the Magi find the family in a house. Then the Magi present them with valuable gifts, just in time for their flight to Egypt. Joseph and Mary had no idea they would flee in the middle of the night to another country. They couldn’t take much. So, the gold, frankincense, and myrrh likely supported them. It may also have sustained Mary and her family after Joseph’s death.

During the Jesus Movement, there were countless testimonies of miraculous provision for those who were about God’s business. Jehovah Jireh, our Provider, is the same yesterday, today, and forever. So, during the coming revival, it will be the same. God may uproot people because they are needed somewhere else. He may rearrange schedules so people spend more time serving and less time earning.  He may call others to evangelistic or discipleship efforts that are so big it blows the budget. But if it is God, be assured, He will provide!

5. Be quick to obey. Fierce opposition comes whenever God is at work. Of course, God can complete everything He starts. But because of His love and desire for fellowship with us, He invites us to play a part in His plan. This often requires quick obedience on our part. Interestingly, one of the Greek words translated as “obey” in the New Testament (phulassó) connotes the idea of vigilant observation, always having an eye on something. To do that, one must stay close! So, in essence, obeying God is staying close to Him so you can keep your eyes on Him—walking with God!

When Herod ordered the slaughter of every boy near Bethlehem under the age of two, an angel woke Joseph in the middle of the night.  He told Joseph to get up and take his family to Egypt. Mary and Joseph didn’t wait until morning, they got up right then and left. God could have protected Jesus in Bethlehem, but His purposes required them to go to Egypt. It fulfilled a prophecy about Messiah in Hosea 1:1. So, God led Mary and Joseph there; and they were quick to follow!

We may not always understand what God is doing. But we can trust that He knows what is best. As we walk with Him through this revival, and all the time, stay in step with Him. Remember that His ways are not our ways, and His ways are right! When He says go right, left, run or stop—be quick to obey.

Get ready! When revival comes, life will change. Those who embrace God’s invitation to be a part of it will experience amazing things!

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Dr. Jodie Chiricosta is vice president of Somebody Cares America/International. She teaches and consults on a variety of Christian living and leadership topics and is a host of the Charisma podcast Her God Story.

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