Sat. Oct 5th, 2024

Recently, I was getting ready to leave in the morning when I suddenly had a vision.

In this vision, I was taken into a room that appeared to be inside a funeral home. Everyone was dressed in black clothes and packed in this room, standing shoulder to shoulder and facing the same direction.

As I peered around, I saw a casket lying dead center at the front of the room. On this casket were written the words “spirit of religion.”

The Lord spoke to me instantly and said He was eradicating the spirit of religion in this hour, causing His people to break free of all ties to the spirit of religion once and for all. For too long religion has taken a supreme seat in the hearts and minds of God’s people, and has blinded their eyes and deafened their ears from seeing and hearing the fresh voice (rhema) of His presence. It has caused many to find their comfort in religious deeds and duties as opposed to living out the fulfillment of their purpose, bowing low at the scar-pierced feet of Jesus.

A “Tower of Babel” Mindset

Religion has brought us back to a “Tower of Babel” way of thinking, where we have created programs and man-made agendas as a way to “get to God.” Those who continued on in religious circles out of habit, obligation or religious duty have often had an inadequate and erroneous understanding of who Abba is.

The world doesn’t need religion; it needs a life-altering encounter with Jesus! It doesn’t need our programs; it needs the power of God to shake us out of our complacency and bring forth deliverance to the captives. It doesn’t need our charisma. The world needs a real anointing that has been cultivated in the secret place of God’s presence, armed and ready to break the yokes of bondage and dismantle powers and principalities, bringing forth regional, national and worldwide breakthrough!

The Bible says, “By your traditions you have made the Word of God of no effect” (Mark 7:13, paraphrased). Think about this statement. The Bible says, “…You have exalted above all things Your name and Your Word” (Ps. 138:2); yet it tells the people that their traditions have made the Word of God of no effect. It’s not enough just to memorize Scripture. It’s not enough to go to Church. It’s not enough to just pay tithes… We need a real relationship with Jesus Christ.

Never Peering Through the Veil

The veil was torn through Jesus, but so many Christians spend their entire lives talking about the inner courts from an outer courts perspective. They peer through a veil that’s been torn but never enter into the Holy of Holies, never laying at the feet of Jesus where it is like the oil that drips from the beard of the high priest Aaron (Psalm 133:1-2), saturating every part of who they are so that when they come forth from the presence of God, people know they have been with the King.

Matthew 18:18 says, “…Whatever you bind on Earth will be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on Earth shall be loosed in Heaven.” The reason we seldom see the manifestation of this declaration is that very few Christians have spent time in the heavenly places to know what are the heights, depths and widths of His love that surpasses knowledge—nor have they tasted of the heavenly things to release the depths of their understanding on earth as it is in heaven. It’s not enough just to know the Scriptures. The Pharisees had the Torah memorized cover to cover, yet they didn’t know the Word when He became flesh and dwelt among them.

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Tyler Medina is a revivalist, author and emerging prophetic voice with a passion to bring the church into a deeper life of intimacy with God. Tyler operates in the seer realm and his ministry has been marked by many notable miracles, signs and wonders. He and his wife Anna Jo are the founders of Consuming Love Ministries, a ministry committed to strengthening the church by cultivating a deeper experience of God’s presence in their daily lives. They are currently planting a new revival hub with a strong focus on equipping the next generation and seeing them fall passionately in love with Jesus. He, his wife and daughter Cadence Grace reside in Lexington, Kentucky.

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