Sat. Oct 5th, 2024

It’s Time to Drain the False Prophetic Swamp

I believe there  are many more false prophets than true ones in America. I applaud Mario Murillo, who came out and exposed the wokeness of Christianity today. The “prophetic” swamp must be drained.

The degree of goofiness and tomfoolery in the false prophetic camp is off the charts. We have no foundations. Even the definitions of a prophet and the simple gift of prophecy are twisted. We are fascinated with so much of the fake and very dull to the real.

Murillo exposed Robin Bullock and Kat Kerr as false, strange, New Age-y and damaging. Personally, I have never felt comfortable with either one. It’s another spirit—one that I’ve never learned. Murillo has the pedigree and many years of experience to speak out on this issue. It’s about time someone did.

Real prophets are not too popular with mainstream Christianity. You won’t find them speaking in too many conferences or wondering why they don’t get invited. The number of “prophetic” words given out, especially among charismatics, is sickening. And most Christians love to have it that way because they are so ignorant of Scripture and devoid of solid biblical foundations.

Under the New Covenant, we are not to be led by prophets, but by the Spirit of God who lives in every true believer. We are all a holy priesthood and have equal access to God. If any so-called prophet prophesies anything to you that does not bear witness with your spirit, you should not pay much attention to it.

“For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, these are the sons of God” (Rom. 8:14).

A genuine prophet’s ministry includes much more than prophecy. He is first of all a preacher and/or a teacher. Second, the revelation gifts are consistently manifested in his ministry. But he does not control these manifestations. A prophet is not a performer. Frankly, this is how many of them get in trouble and accommodate familiar spirits. I want to clear up the confusion that accuracy is the distinguishing  factor in determining the difference between a true and a false prophet. Remember that Satan can manifest himself as an angel of light, and familiar spirits know things supernaturally. They flow through prophets who are performers. Be careful.

Also, the simple gift of prophecy is speaking by divine inspiration to exhort, edify and comfort—and has very little revelation attached to it. Every believer can move in the gift of prophecy. Speaking and singing psalms, hymns and spiritual songs as the Word instructs us (Eph. 5:18-1; Col. 3:16; James 5:13), is an element of prophecy. Many Christians think prophecy is strictly foretelling the future. No, not at all. That would be a word of wisdom.

In these last days we are going to see an increase of lying signs and wonders that will deceive many. Remember Pharaoh’s magicians did astounding things to contest what God did through Moses, but in the end Moses’ rod became a snake and swallowed up the magicians’ snake.

I believe in the genuine gifts of the Spirit and the power of God. I’m a big proponent of the supernatural and have written much about it. I believe in genuine prophets and ministry gifts.

But what Murillo has done needed to be done. It marks a new day in Christianity because so many have built their ministries on the so-called prophetic and deceived so many in the body of Christ.

Be careful. Test all things; hold fast to what is good. Cultivate your spiritual life. Stay founded on the Word and sure foundations.

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Bert Farias books are forerunners to personal holiness, the move of God and the return of the Lord. Find other materials and resources on his website, Holy Fire Ministries.

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