Thu. Oct 3rd, 2024

Prophecy: Get Caught Up in the Coming Revival Wave

Charisma Media archives

The Australian Prophetic Council met in early January to discuss, prophesy and weigh the word of the Lord for 2023. While not all individual words are captured here, there are key themes and major points that were established out of the mouth of many witnesses.

Our hope is that they may edify and equip the body of Christ in Australia and beyond to position themselves and receive, by faith, all that the Lord wants to release to the nations.

Revival Wave

For many months now, there have been visions, dreams and prophetic words pointing to a revival wave that has hit Australia’s shores. This revival wave has been and will continue to be evidenced by an increase of the Spirit’s power: signs, wonders and notable miracles. As it pertains to the harvest of souls, the revival wave will cause a surge of people to come to Christ. The field is white for the harvest, and we continue to pray to the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into the harvest (Matt. 9:38).

This revival wave will also combat the turmoil of the day. As the opposition to public promotion of the gospel increases, so will the need for obedience and dependence on the Holy Spirit. This is not to be feared but to help make us aware of our greater need—bringing our ways to the Lord (Prov. 3:5-6).

He is doing a quick work in these days, and as we maintain a posture of humility and are caught up in the revival wave ourselves, it will produce quick obedience, resulting in exposure of the enemy’s plans.

The Equipping of the Saints

The five-fold ministry in the church will grow and flourish in this era as its outworking is seen in the mobilization of the saints. Everyday believers and laypeople will be inspired to go and disciple the harvest. This is indeed necessary, in light of the revival wave and influx of souls coming into the body.

As the apostolic and prophetic grow into greater maturity, this will equip the saints in signs and wonders to again play their part in this revival wave. The outworking of this will not necessarily be church-centric, but the church will be used as the training mechanism for this new wine skin, empowering Believers throughout the nation to move in the power of the Holy Spirit. 

The Prayer Movement

Coinciding with this revival wave, we will see great momentum and growth within the prayer movement. As the church responds to the call to pray, houses of prayer will be established to birth the move of God across the nation. Prayer will also bring an acceleration in the maturing of the Bride, enabling her to be prepared so the nets don’t break as the harvest increases.

Holiness and Consecration

The Lord is doing a work in His body to set us apart from the world (2 Cor. 6:17). There is a holiness and uprightness that He is calling us to in these days. He is delivering us from self and agreement with the world and calling us to consecration, because He wants to use each one of us in the work of His Spirit.

And as He draws us to repentance, there will be a joy discovered in His body as we flee from what is evil and hold fast to what is good (Rom. 12:9). This call to holiness is the work of the Spirit and, as such, will produce freedom and not religion; lovers and not slaves.

Repentance is an environment for Jesus to be glorified and will produce restoration, not cancellation of individuals.

Divine Recompense

This year we be a year of turnaround and recompense, with all things being restored. This will continue beyond this year, but 2023 will be a significant beginning of seeing the mighty hand of God bring recompense to us and vengeance upon the enemies of His people.

In this hour, the Lord is releasing favor that is enabling His beloved to step into a governmental authority to bring turnaround and recompense in the lives of their loved ones, families, cities and nations. There will be an exposure of the enemy and his operations this year.

In 1 Samuel 30, David discovers that His wives, children and that of his men have been carried off by the Amalekites. As he and his men pursue them, David recovers all that was stolen, as well as the livestock and land of the enemy. “So David recovered everything the Amalekites had taken…” (1 Sam. 30:18).

“I’ve come to recover all,” says the Lord.

Innovation and Economy

The Lord will release innovation to believers for the good of their communities in the days ahead. There will be entrepreneurial strategies and wisdom from marketplace leaders that will see the prospering of families, despite the current economic climate.

The camels are coming to resource the body of Christ. Call them in! There is provision available for the church. Resources must come into the hands of the body to enable the work of the ministry and to support communities in distress.

Words That Release Life

It’s very important that we are careful with our words in the days ahead. We have been instructed by the Lord to be slow to speak in order to bring words that will release healing to others and not tear them down.

It is important that we exercise discernment and are careful not to be presumptuous as we move into the year so we can continue to bless and bring life to those we encounter.

“Gracious words are like a honeycomb, sweetness to the soul and health to the body” (Prov. 16:24).

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Katherine Ruonala has a prophetic and healing ministry and travels internationally as a conference speaker, bringing a message of love and hope to the nations. Katherine carries a strong, prophetic and miracle anointing, with many experiencing instant healing in her meetings. Reaching across denominational walls, her ministry is also used to spread the fires of revival and ignite a fresh passion in the hearts of Believers to go deeper in their relationship with God.

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