Sat. Oct 5th, 2024

Prophet Troy Black Asks: Are You Willing To Believe God for the Next Step to Freedom?


Read Time: 2 minutes 20 seconds

Are you willing to believe God and put your trust in Him for the next step to freedom? Prophet Troy Black shared what God has put on his heart for this coming year and it’s a word that will leave you reflecting on your faith and trust in the Lord.

“I am transforming something right now in the body of Christ. This is the most important thing that happens right now, that My body comes out of this season moved to walk in the freedom I have won for them. Moved in power by the Blood working the way it’s meant to work. Moved to initiate kingdom principles upon the earth. Moved to witness to the fact that God became a man and walked the earth that He died and rose again,” Black says in his prophetic word from God.

Black says this is a transitional word. The body of Christ has been going through a long season, spanning the last few years and he believes now is the time to move.

“If my body will sustain this growth, then my power will be evident on the earth like it never has before,” Black says.

In Numbers chapter 13, you read about the spies who went to explore the land of Canaan to see what was there. After exploring the land for 40 days, the spies returned to tell Israel what they saw. They described the beautiful, bountiful land flowing with milk and honey. Despite the beauty, they reported the giants and overwhelming obstacles that were before their eyes.

The whole assembly of Israel lifted their voices and complained against the Lord. God had delivered them from Egypt, parted the Red Sea and destroyed their enemy yet they had lost faith. They were ready to return to Egypt. Numbers 14:6 says, “Joshua the son of Nun, and Caleb the son of Jephunneh, from the ones who explored the land, tore their clothes.”

They encouraged Israel saying, “If the Lord delights in us, then He will bring us into this land and give it to us, a land which flows with milk and honey. Only do not rebel against the Lord, nor fear the people of the land because they are bread for us. Their defense is gone from them, and the Lord is with us. Do not fear them.”

Referencing this passage in Scripture, Black felt God was speaking to Christians this same message today. In the prophetic word God said, “Are you willing to believe Me in taking this next step into freedom?”

What is holding you back in your life today? Are you looking at all of the bad reports and not remembering all that God has already done for you in your life?

Black says this next step is a transition of fire. He says, “when the Holy Spirit shows up it’s a very real experience with the Lord. Some people feel the fire of God, some people see the fire of God and it’s a very clear reminder God is in our midst.”

Tune in to the rest of the video to hear the full prophetic word.

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Shelby Bowen is an assistant editor for Charisma Media.

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