Sat. Oct 5th, 2024

The Wonder of a Baby and the Plans of God


When I was pregnant with my children, each one held a space of wonder in my heart. I thought about the exact date they would be born on. I would ponder what their height and weight would be. I wondered at times, by the amount of movement I felt, if they would be future break-dancers or gymnasts!

As Christmas approached, I found myself pondering how Mary was feeling. She would walk through so many emotions and experiences. She had a face-to-face encounter with an angel, which began her journey. Mary visited her cousin, Elizabeth, and rejoiced with her over the upcoming birth of John and Jesus. Mary had walked through the daunting task of telling Joseph about the conception of Jesus and waiting for his response. And, given the culture, she had also endured the looks and whispers of the people around her.

During all this, she was pondering. As a mom, she had a baby that she could feel within her. She knew the day would come when she would hold that baby in her arms. In addition, she was pondering all that the angel had told her. So much of that angelic conversation would not have made much sense, yet she was walking it out. With each encounter, bits and pieces began to make more sense. Coupled with this was the wonder of a baby and the birth of a savior.

Mary’s heart became a treasure chest for the things of God. Luke reminds us that Mary pondered all things in her heart (Luke 1:29). We see this cumulate years later at a wedding in Canaan when the wine runs out, and she tells the wine stewards to do whatever Jesus tells them to do.

During this season of wonder, take time to ponder as Mary did. Allow your heart to become a treasure trove of the promises of God. That pondering, empowered by the Holy Spirit, begins a chain reaction of the things of God where the impossible becomes possible because that is a kingdom concept.

Heavenly Father, Mary understood the treasure you had placed in her womb. And, as she watched the life of Jesus unfold, she continually added to that treasure chest. Please help me to receive the treasures that you have for me. Forgive me for times when I have not stewarded what you have given me nor taken time to ponder them in my heart. You love to place dreams within me; you love for me to ponder them with you and allow the impossible to marinate within me until it becomes possible. During this season, I commit to ponder as Mary did. And I thank you now for what will come to pass as I partner with you. In Jesus’ name, amen.

Ruth Hendrickson is an ordained pastor, itinerant speaker, ministry trainer and board-certified biblical counselor who has extensive  experience in the development, training and oversight of emotional healing ministry teams, recovery ministries, prophetic ministry, prayer ministries and women’s ministry. In addition, she is a course facilitator for Patricia King Institute and Charisma courses. She writes for Elijah List and Charisma and has a podcast titled Real Truth with Ruth. Through biblically based teachings and practical applications infused with love and laughter, her goal is to introduce people not only to the living God who saves, but also to the God who desires an intimate relationship with each one of us. Her books Positioned – How to be Aligned & Empowered to Walk in Your Diving Destiny and Everyday Prophetic will help you grow in your walk with God.  Ruth is an avid unsweetened iced tea drinker who loves warm weather, palm trees and beaches! She believes that she should live in the South. However, in the meantime Ruth and her husband Mark reside in Stockton, New Jersey.

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