Sat. Oct 5th, 2024

The Trumpet Is Sounding Across America

Christian leaders across the country are proclaiming the United States of America must repent or face the same judgement as ancient Israel.

No, the U.S. is not chosen in the same way as Israel, but it was chosen to serve a purpose.

The freedoms found in America mirror those found in the Lord. As Paul writes in 2 Corinthians 3:17, “Now the Lord is the Spirit; and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty,” (NKJV).

Yet both nations turned away from that true freedom found in the presence of God. And God tried time and again to get His people’s attention by way of the prophets.

Israel went back and forth. There would be good kings, but there would also be bad kings that were instrumental in leading God’s people away from Him.

This can be said with America today as well.

There were good presidents, congressional representatives and spiritual leaders throughout U.S. history. But there were also leaders who committed such devastating harm in the past, citizens are still suffering from it today.

Where do people turn in their suffering? The false prophets of Elijah’s time turned to Baal, and God used Elijah to show the nation of Israel the folly in that. In desperate times, King David turned to his God who had sustained him throughout his trials. Even after committing a grievous sin against the Lord, David repented and turned from his wicked ways and honored the Lord God of Israel.

America has also suffered from false prophets leading people astray, but there were also leaders who took up the mantle of spiritual authority and fought a spiritual battle against the forces of darkness. For many Americans, the spiritual warrior who would soonest come to mind is the late Billy Graham, ‘America’s Pastor.’

Unfortunately, there were also times when God would send a prophet and the people would not heed their words. Jeremiah, the ‘weeping prophet,’ warned God’s people of their insincere worship and the moral shortcomings of their society. God sent so many prophets and others to warn His people until finally, after the book of Malachi, God was silent for nearly 400 years.

Now America is facing the same situation as Israel, a country that had turned from God.

The leadership in America has decided that the morality found within the Bible does not suit their modern version of morality (according to members of the Right and Left). Children are being mutilated across America, and only a small portion of the nation is addressing it. They are being injected with hormones that their bodies do not naturally produce, all in the false declaration of finding their true selves.

But that is a lie from Satan that has deceived millions across the nation.

The driving force within the nation is that the lust of the flesh determines one’s identity. What someone lusts after now becomes who they are, instead of finding their true identity and purpose within Jesus Christ and relationship with their Lord and Savior.

As more Americans have become “non-religious” than ever before, Christians must ask themselves this question: How are they going to fight back in this spiritual war over the soul of America?

The warnings are here and they are not hidden. Drug use, LGBTQ-driven agendas and ideologies taking root, a failing school system, economic turmoil, food insecurities rising and a government that not only prosecutes Christians for their faith but promotes biblically immoral activity across the world. They are driven by spiritual forces that want to steal away America in the same fashion as the Garden of Eden. To corrupt that which God has created and replace it with a spiritually sick and twisted aberration of what it was meant to be. But just as in the Garden, humans have a choice about what to do.

These powerful, anti-God principalities won’t just go away with a little prayer thrown out on a Sunday morning. It takes intercession, fasting and repentance to recover America, but who is willing to do that across the nation?

The Word of God is the source of this strategy against the devil and his minions. Not politicians, athletes or celebrities. Jesus says only with fasting will spirits of this kind be driven out (Matt. 17:20-21).

So where is the Christian body that takes God’s Word seriously enough to carry out the commands within it? God is warning America, now, today, that if things do not change, the same fate will occur for this nation founded on Judeo-Christian principles as befell His beloved Israel.

Christians across the globe must take what the Bible says seriously and turn to it in times of need. True repentance can open the heart and allow God’s fire that is prayed for so desperately to move across the land. But believers must first put their faith into action (James 2:18)!

Because the enemy is mobilizing and putting its faith into action. Satan has already convinced a growing segment of America that when a tragedy occurs, “hopes and prayers” are useless. And what could be further from the truth than prayers being worthless?

But without action, without spiritual warfare, intercession, fasting and the love of Christ, what is to stop Satan from stealing America, too?

Paul lays out a brilliant strategy to fight the principalities and rulers of darkness in his letter to the church in Thessalonica. “Rejoice always. Pray without ceasing. In everything give thanks, for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you,” (1 Thess. 5:16-18).

The trumpets are sounding for America—will believers hear them and humble themselves before the Lord in repentance? Or will America continue her slide into an immoral society that rejects the Almighty God and His Word?

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James Lasher is Staff Writer for Charisma Media. 

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