Sat. Oct 5th, 2024

Prophetic Word: Goodness Is Following You, Turn and See

Read Time: 4 Minutes 48 Seconds

At a recent gathering where a person was struggling, I heard and declared by the Spirit of the Lord, “Goodness is following you; turn and see. Embrace His goodness in this moment and watch the shift!”

There was an immediate shift and elevation in the Spirit.

“Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life: and I will dwell in the house of the LORD for ever,” (Ps. 23:6, KJV).

Not only is His goodness following you, His favor surrounds you as a shield!

“For Thou, LORD, wilt bless the righteous; with favor wilt Thou compass him as with a shield,” (Ps. 5:12, KJV).

You Are Highly Favored

You are blessed and highly favored. Favor is the Hebrew word “ratson,” meaning “delight, acceptance and good pleasure.” The root word (ratsah) means “to be pleased with” and “to satisfy a debt.” God has made covenant with you through the blood of Jesus, who paid your debt. You have received of His righteousness and now the favor of God is surrounding you. See it! Receive and embrace His favor; it is surrounding you. He is upholding you with His right hand. No weapon formed against you shall prosper!

“Oh how great is Thy goodness, which Thou hast laid up for them that fear Thee; which Thou hast wrought for them that trust in Thee before the sons of men!” (Ps. 31:19, KJV).

His Goodness Is Stored Up for Us

There is a thin veil separating us from the spiritual realm. His goodness is stored up for us. He is waiting for us to turn to Him in reverential awe so He can release it to us. Turn, lift up your heart and mind with expectation! There is a goodness that will be wrought out in front of others as we trust Him completely in our circumstances. Others will see and believe, for it is the goodness of God that leads to repentance.

“Or despisest thou the riches of His goodness and forbearance and longsuffering; not knowing that the goodness of God leadeth thee to repentance?” (Rom. 2:4, KJV).

It is not our repentance that leads God to goodness. It is His goodness toward us that leads us to repent of our wrong mindset about Him! Revelation of and embracing His never-ending love, purpose and goodness toward us brings us into oneness with His mind!

Turn Around

It’s time to turn around—in your mind, in your thinking, in your perceiving—for His goodness is stored up for you, following you, ready to be revealed. Turn and keep on turning until the broken fellowship is restored and you perceive His goodness now, because He Himself is good, and all that He does is good.

“I had fainted, unless I had believed to see the goodness of the LORD in the land of the living,” (Ps. 27:13, KJV).

If I stop believing to the point of no longer seeing God’s goodness, I will faint. If I am fainting in mind, it is because I stopped believing to the point of seeing. I decree and declare that His goodness is following after you, His favor is surrounding you and He is going before you and making the crooked places straight. He is your rear guard. He is for you! Believe and you will see.

A Limitless Harvest of Blessing

The Spirit of the Lord opened up a panoramic vision of a beautiful field full of flowers of every color imaginable. As I gazed with wonder, the expanse kept getting even more far-reaching until it stretched as far as I could see. There is a limitless harvest of blessing waiting for release! Your words unlock the door of blessing!

We are continually reaping a harvest from what we have sown. Sow the goodness of God and reap a harvest of blessing.

Whatever your life looks like right now—wherever you are in your faith walk—you can begin anew. Recognize your current harvest, release it to the Lord (repenting as necessary and breaking any word curses you have spoken), and speak life into every place the Spirit of the Lord brings to your heart and mind. 

Speak Life

Peter denied Christ three times, but in John 21 we read about how Jesus beautifully showed Peter how to reverse the effect of that by asking him three times, “Do you love Me?” I believe that Peter responding “Yes…I love You” three times broke the power of the three denials, and Jesus then gave instruction on acting out that love: “Feed My sheep” (see verses 15-17). We feed others with the word of God, the bread of life. Speak life! God wants you to be a deliverer of others who have been bound by speaking God’s words of life and blessing.

Holy Spirit showed me in a vision, and also through a personal experience, that our negative words bring a veil of darkness over our eyes and give demons access to perform them. When we speak God’s words, heavenly access is opened and the angels are released to remove the veil and perform those words (Ps. 103:20).

Turn and Embrace His Goodness

The goodness of God is following you! I decree and declare that the veil is lifted right now! Turn, embrace His goodness, then wrap your faith around it and release it with your words and actions into the atmosphere wherever you go. The divine exchange brings the shift!

I decree and declare that every field of desolation shall be turned into a garden of blessing, yielding a beautiful, life-giving harvest above all that you can ask or imagine; overflowing with seeds to sow that bring in a harvest of blessing wherever you go!

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Alane Haynes was radically saved in 1981, when the Lord Jesus Christ appeared to her. She immediately received salvation, deliverance and a supernatural healing of her body and mind. An apostolic and prophetic teacher and speaker, Alane has authored four books. The first, “Moses – Shocked in the Desert,” was birthed from a prophetic dream and many nights of Holy Spirit waking her to “Write what I tell you.” She podcasts through Charisma Podcast Network; “Stirring of the Waters” is her show. Alane and her husband Kerry are co-founders of Eternal Truth Now Ministry, and are broadcasters on Holy Spirit Broadcasting Network ( They are passionate about the power of God’s word, and desire to see people fulfill their God-given destinies and bring His kingdom to the earth.

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