Sat. Oct 5th, 2024

Prophetic Dream: The Lord Says, ‘Stay Strong in Me and You Will Prevail’

Read Time: 4 Minutes 39 Seconds

Some weeks ago, I had a brief but very disturbing dream. I saw a huge storm, bigger than anything I have ever seen. Next, I heard the word “Rephaim,” and immediately saw it superimposed in white letters upon the storm. I felt fear and woke up. Immediately, I saw the Lord and heard, “Do not fear—no matter the storm or what is whispered in your ear.”

We have been in some major storms (in the natural and in the Spirit), and there may be more coming, but Jesus already has the victory! According to Strong’s Concordance, Rephaim means “giant.” We cannot be as the 10 spies who were afraid of what they saw in the natural (the giants), speaking doubt and unbelief about what God had promised! Jesus has already overcome all the power of the enemy, even death and hell. We do not need to fear. We have the final victory, and through Christ we can do all things.

In these latter days, no matter the storm, we must stay strong and keep advancing the kingdom. Keep looking to Jesus! Jesus said that the gates of hell will NOT prevail against the church!

The Rock of Revelation

“He saith unto them, ‘But whom say ye that I am?’ And Simon Peter answered and said, ‘Thou art the Christ, the Son of the living God.’ And Jesus answered and said unto him, ‘Blessed art thou, Simon Barjona: for flesh and blood hath not revealed it unto thee, but My Father which is in heaven. And I say also unto thee, that thou art Peter, and upon this rock I will build My church; and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.’” (Matt. 16:15-18, KJV)

Peter received revelation that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the living God, and Jesus replied that the rock of the revelation of Himself is what the church would be built upon! As the church, we are the called-out ones. We have been called out of the kingdom of darkness and translated into the kingdom of the Son of God by revelation of Him. The more revelation we have of Him, the stronger our foundation! In knowing Him, we will not be moved by what we see in the natural, for He is above all and has all authority and power!

The Defeat of the Rephaim

What’s significant about the word “Rephaim” appearing in my dream is that the last representation of the giants of Rephaim—King Og of Bashan, ruler of Mount Hermon—was defeated by Moses and the Israelites (Deuteronomy 3:3, 11; Numbers 21:33). Many scholars believe that Mount Hermon was the place where the transfiguration of Jesus took place.

It is also significant that Jesus chose Caesarea Philippi, which is located at the base of Mt. Hermon, to declare that the gates of hell would not prevail. Why? Caesarea Philippi was a central place of pagan worship in both Old and New Testament times. It had many pagan statues and temples, and a cave believed to be the gate to hell, where the underworld and their gods (demons) presided.

THIS is where Jesus took His disciples and asked them, “Who do you say I am?” THIS is where Peter received revelation and declared that Jesus was the Christ, the Son of the living God. Jesus chose this location on purpose! At what was perceived to be the “gate of hell,” Jesus declared that the gates of hell would not prevail against the church, and gave the keys of the kingdom to His disciples—the authority to bind and loose!

“I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven; whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven,” (Matt. 16:19).

Do Not Fear the Giants

Do not fear the giants; Jesus has the keys to death and hell (Revelation 1:8)! The enemy wants to keep you in fear so you will stop advancing the kingdom of God! Do not believe the lies of the devil and his demons; they have no authority in your life—except what you give them! Submit to God (let Jesus have governing authority in your life). Resist the devil and he will flee (James 4:7)!

You are an overcomer, “…because greater is He that is in you, than he that is in the world” (1 John 4:4)! Speak to every mountain in faith and they will move (Matthew 17:20)! God has the final word. Press into Him and speak His words; they will accomplish the purpose for which He sent them (Isaiah 55:11). The angels are waiting to hear His words so they can perform them (Psalm 103:20)!

In Me Alone

As I meditated on all these things, I heard the Lord say, “In Me, alone, you will have peace; in My name there is release from every foe, for they are already defeated. In Me, you must perceive yourself seated (Ephesians 2:6), for the storms are coming, strong and fierce.

“The enemy desires your faith to be pierced and that you fail. Stay strong in Me and you will prevail. It shall come forth as foretold of old. Be strong in My strength, courageous and bold. Speak My words; bind and loose in My name, for I have many victories to obtain. Over Me the enemy has no power; he lies and taunts to see whom he can devour. Stay strong in faith, listen and obey; I am with you and will show you the way.”

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Alane Haynes was radically saved in 1981, when the Lord Jesus Christ appeared to her. She immediately received salvation, deliverance and a supernatural healing of her body and mind. An apostolic and prophetic teacher and speaker, Alane has authored four books. The first, “Moses—Shocked in the Desert,” was birthed from a prophetic dream and many nights of Holy Spirit waking her to “Write what I tell you.” She podcasts through Charisma Podcast Network; “Stirring of the Waters” is her show. Alane and her husband Kerry are co-founders of “Eternal Truth Now Ministry,” and are broadcasters on Holy Spirit Broadcasting Network ( They are passionate about the power of God’s word, and desire to see people fulfill their God-given destinies and bring His kingdom to the earth. When they are not ministering, Alane and Kerry enjoy spending time with their children and grandchildren, and outdoors enjoying the beauty of God’s creation.

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