Sat. Oct 5th, 2024

Read Time: 3 Minutes 33 Seconds

Do you find yourself longing for more strength? I think we all do at times. The problems we face in our everyday life burden us and leave us feeling weary.

Monie Motis was a missionary woman who served countries like Eretria and Liberia. She was held hostage in Liberia during one of the wars. Years before, she had written verses about strength on 4×6 index cards and had worked to memorize them. During her captivity, the verses reminded her of the strength God promised. Though she was ultimately set free, Monie continued to review those verses even into her retirement years.

Reading Monie’s story reminded me of the value of writing out one or two verses on index cards. Even if you don’t have a lot of time to read your Bible for hours, if you write out a few verses, you can pull them out and review them when you need to be reminded that God’s strength is available to you!

Here are a few verses promising strength to get you started:

1. Your strength will equal your days (Deuteronomy 33:25). I love this promise because it’s a simple reminder that whatever God calls you to do—whether that’s traveling overseas, rocking sleepless babies in the night, caring for an adopted child with special needs or facing retirement—He will give you the strength you need. You can trust Him. Next time you feel weariness setting in, declare this promise out loud over your situation!

2. The joy of the Lord is your strength (Nehemiah 8:10).I have this promise hanging in my house. What a beautiful reminder! When life feels hard or circumstances overwhelm you, the joy of the Lord is YOUR strength! Claim it. Write it on an index card and declare it out loud over your life. Put it on your mirror where you’ll see it every time you brush your teeth. Memorize it.. When we are filled with joy, His strength follows.

3. God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble (Psalm 46:1). This promise of strength first became precious to me when I was walking the journey of cancer. Cancer is no fun! Every day when I would take a walk, I would declare Psalm 46 out loud. Now, whenever I am in a situation where I feel frightened, anxious or weary, I review Psalm 46. It’s become my go-to Psalm when life is difficult.

4. In quietness and trust is your strength (Isaiah 30:15). The other day I was on a plane (shocker, I know). As I was traveling home, my mind was going in a million directions with all I needed to do in the upcoming week. I started to feel overwhelmed, but then I heard the clear soft whisper of the Holy Spirit saying, “Stop, trust Me to do it through you!” My mind immediately went to this verse. When I quietly trust the Holy Spirit to accomplish what has to be done, my mind enjoys rest. When I try to do it all myself, my energy is sapped and I become exhausted. I need to return to this verse often. God doesn’t call us to accomplish on our own. He calls us to rely on Him to do the work through us. Rest comes when we quiet our minds and trust God to do what we cannot do.

5. So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand (Isaiah 41:10). This has been one of my favorite “strength” verses for many years. Friend, when God calls you to challenging circumstances, He is right there with you. He will strengthen you as you lean into Him. I know that can feel ethereal at times, but He promises His presence. When life feels dark or uncertain, claim this verse over your life. Praise Him by faith for His presence, hang on for all your worth and trust that your feelings will follow.

Friend, do you feel weary, tired or discouraged? Write these strength verses on index cards and keep them in your purse. Pull them out throughout your day and remind yourself that God will give you the strength you need for the day!

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Becky Harling, a bestselling author, is a popular speaker at conferences, retreats and other events. She is the author of 11 books, including “The Extraordinary Power of Praise.” Becky is a certified coach with the John Maxwell Team and offers parent coaching. Becky and her husband, Steve, have traveled and ministered in over 70 countries around the world. She is the parent of four grown married kids and Mimi to 14 grandchildren. Connect with Becky at beckyharling.comharlingleadership.comFacebookTwitter or Instagram.

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