Sat. Oct 5th, 2024

Will Democrats Force ‘North American Union’ on U.S. after Election Victories?


The future of the United States of America hangs in the balance, awaiting the results of today’s nationwide elections. If the Democrats win both houses of Congress again, the U.S. Secretary of State Tony Blinken is prepared to push a globalist agenda to combine the U.S., Canada and Mexico into the “North American Union.”

While the Democrats have tried over the past two years to destroy the Christian heritage of America and usher in secretive globalist maneuvers under the guise of woke ideology and virtue signaling, those who understand the foundation of the United States stand firm—and their voices will be heard through voting today.

In response, the historian David Barton sounds off on the dangers to religious freedom if this “Union,” which would be in the image of the European Union, takes shape. Barton emphasizes how different the U.S. is from Canada and Mexico when it comes to constitutionally-protected freedom, especially religious freedom.

“America’s current constitutional republic protects numerous God-given inalienable rights and puts them fully beyond the control of government,” says Barton, who co-wrote the book The American Story, along with his son Tim Barton. “America is a premier nation in protecting religious freedom and the rights of religious conscience.”

The creation of a North American Union, which would completely wipe out the border of the U.S. in the north and the south, would be a direct threat to the religious freedom of U.S. citizens.

The mere notion that the Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, an anti-Christian zealot, would have a say on the “rights” that citizens can have from Oregon to Florida and across America’s heartland is enough to make millions of Christians kneel down and pray for a “Red Wave” to hit today from coast to coast as miraculous as the parting of the Red Sea.

Barton explains, “Neither Canada nor Mexico has these same protections, nor the proven history America has. In fact, over recent months Canada has clearly demonstrated that it is not interested in protecting those rights. And Mexico, although a religious nation, has not provided protections similar to those America has.”

Experts in public policy have argued that the blatant way the federal government refuses to secure the southern border of the United States is a precursor to forming the North American Union, as if U.S. government officials are under orders from the World Economic Forum.

Mexico President Andrés Manuel López Obrador publicly confirmed that Blinken, representing the Biden Administration, proposed action to be taken on plans for the North American Union. Therefore, a vote for any Democrat running for Congress (the U.S. Senate or the U.S. House of Representatives) is essentially a vote for the North American Union.

Keeping the southern border so open for years conditions Americans to slowly accept and feel comfortable with “open borders” in a way that is reminiscent to the European Union. Looking ahead, if the Democrats maintain control of the U.S. Congress after this week, the implication will be that religious freedom will come under fierce attack in the U.S., likely worse than ever experienced in a century.

“A North American Union will not cause Mexico and Canada to expand their religious freedoms but more likely will cause America to reduce theirs,” says Barton.

“If these nations had desired these freedoms, they would have already protected them.”

Barton is not only sounding the alarm on this union of the U.S., Canada and Mexico as far as religious freedom, but he is also drawing attention to the fact that Americans, even if they don’t care about “religion,” will experience a reduction in their civil liberties. America will never be the same, falling under the hollow, moral compromise of weak leaders who think “virtue” is a colorful flag on a social media profile.

Barton warns, “In fact, such a Union will not only reduce Americas inalienable rights of religious conscience but also of self-defense, freedom of assembly, due process, and much more. Such a Union will increase the scope and involvement and government, which always reduces citizen liberties.”

Anthony Hart is a freelancer writer for Charisma News.

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