Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

Charisma Highlights: WATCH: Prophet Tim Sheets Says Transformation is On Its Way to America

(Facebook/Tim Sheets)

Following are snippets of the top stories posted on over the past week. We encourage you to visit the links to read the stories in full.

Radical changes in government and culture, revival, awakening and transformation—along with a harvest that’s now ripe for reaping—is on its way to America, says apostle and Oasis Church Pastor Tim Sheets.

Standing near the White House in Washington, D.C., this week, Sheets delivered a prophetic word that promises multiple victories and outpourings of the Holy Spirit if God’s people will do one key thing.

“Keep praying,” says Sheets. “We’re about to win big victories in Jesus’ name.”


On Oct. 7, 2022, while sitting alone with Father, as I listened intently, He spoke a very solemn word to me: “Daughter, judgment is going to fall on the wicked and the very wicked. None will escape My just judgment and the punishment for their sins. The only way of escape is through true repentance!

“At the same time that the wicked, or those who have done the bidding of the wicked, reap what they have sown, My faithful ones will reap their great rewards. The hour is upon you now that the seeds sown are going to be reaped. There will be much sorrow, weeping and gnashing of teeth, and at the same time, great rejoicing and dancing in the streets. My justice demands it to be so!”

On Oct. 9, 2022, Father continued speaking to me about His coming judgments: “I have heard My children’s cries! I will not only send a deliverer, but I will heap vengeance on the heads of those who have deliberately brought so much suffering and destruction to My people. Watch and see My arm of justice fall, for I will not endure any more of their wickedness. They have been given plenty of time to repent and turn, but instead they have dug in their heels in a stubborn refusal to stop their wicked deeds. Going into the area they destroyed and boasting and gloating over the havoc they created was the last straw!


Several nights ago, I had an intriguing dream. It was like I was invited into someone else’s house, yet there was a sense of ownership as well—in particular in regards to three separate orchid plants which I was taken to view.

It was as if I owned them or was responsible for them somehow.

Incredibly, one by one these three orchids had all bloomed on the same day, each producing one remarkably large and beautiful bloom. Each bloom had an overwhelming fragrance, as if out of this world. As I buried my face in one and inhaled its scent, I remembered thinking that this must be the smell of heaven. The scent was so overpowering that as I awoke, I was surprised to find it wasn’t real—that I had been dreaming!


I heard the Lord say, “I want to speak to your heart.”

He continued: “You have felt like I have abandoned you, but in truth I have not, and I promise you this: You have felt like I am not fighting for you, leaving you to suffer in your lane, but I want you to know that I have plans to elevate you above your enemy.

“I only allow the enemy to attack you when I am ready for you to defeat him. I only let you go into battle when I am ready to win something. Do you not know that I am your advance guard and your rearguard? What kind of advance guard would I be if I took you into something where you were going to get killed?”


Is it possible that the entities we have known as “gods of the ancient world” have come back and are affecting your life right now?

Could their existence explain everything that is now transforming our culture, our families, our children, our businesses, our government and our technology?

If so, which gods have returned? What does the future hold? What is the most critical thing you need to know?

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