Sat. Oct 5th, 2024

Prophecy: Hurricane Ian Will Pale in Comparison to the Holy Spirit Wind That’s Coming

Charisma News archives

Read Time: 4 Minutes 22 Seconds

On Tuesday, Sept. 27, I (Troy Anderson) texted Rev. Kevin Jessip, co-founder of The Return International, asking how things were going as Hurricane Ian approached Florida.

I inquired if he and his wife, Donna, planned to evacuate their home in Venice along the Gulf Coast. I told him that our small group in Irvine, California was praying for them.

He texted back, “We are preparing for a direct hit. Please pray.” He sent me an image showing Hurricane Ian was on a trajectory to make a direct hit on Venice.

The next day, Jessip texted me, saying “Roofs are flying off.” I prayed for them and asked God to send angels to protect them. I asked where he was. He texted: “Hunkered down in Donna’s mom’s house a mile from ours.”

I called my co-author, Col. David Giammona, and put him on the telephone with Jessip. Giammona and I prayed for them. Afterward, I called Jerry Moses, a member of our Battle Ready Ministries board, and put him on the phone with Jessip to pray too.

I texted my other co-author, Paul McGuire, who sent me this prayer: “Tell Kevin and his wife and mom I am praying for them. We plead the blood of Jesus over their home and land and in the authority of Jesus Christ command the storm to alter course!”

After sending him this prayer, Jessip texted me back: “Houses are breaking up and flying through the air.”

I did not hear from him again until Thursday morning after asking if they were okay.

“I drove over to our house, and it is okay—no roof damage or water (damage),” Jessip texted me. “We poured a gallon of oil around the perimeter and prayed before we left, and it looks as it nothing happened to it except one little screen rip on the back lanai. Hallelujah! We are rejoicing and thanking the Lord for His faithfulness.”

Preparation for a Spiritual Wind that is Going to Follow

On Oct. 3 during our weekly Global Strategic Alliance ministry call, we learned more about the devastation of Hurricane Ian, which killed at least 140 people and left catastrophic destruction in its wake.

When they returned to their home, Jessip said they found it intact, but many other homes in their neighborhood had sustained flood damage, lost roofs or were damaged by trees.

“All the trees that fell around our house fell outside that perimeter of the oil,” Jessip said. “There was not a single water leak, not a tile off the roof, everything was there. We had people around us with their roofs blown off. It was 17 hours of pure craziness. Our street was totally under water and when the nearby Myakka dam broke, all the homes on the river flooded. They were saying on the news about 15 feet of water flooded the houses; just wiped them out.”

It took three days before he and his wife could even get back to their home due to the destruction and flooding.

“When we went into our neighborhood, it was like going into a war zone,” Jessip said. “It was a catastrophic disaster. Yet there was no harm to our house. It looked like the hurricane never even touched our house. Around the perimeter the area was trashed. We are praising God for supernaturally protecting us.

“When I was watching the winds blow, I felt the Holy Spirit say, ‘The wind of this hurricane is hitting the Gulf Coast in Florida in preparation for a spiritual wind that is going to follow it.’ When the eye came right over the top of (Donna’s mother’s house) here, I wrote down, ‘IAN Category 5 Hurricane.’ And then I wrote down, ‘I AM Category 5 Blowing of the Holy Spirit Wind is Coming,’ similar to the Day of Pentecost when a mighty rushing wind (Acts 2:1-4) filled the house. When the Holy Spirit moves like that, you will see an outpouring of salvation with divine healings, signs, wonders and miracles.”

The devastating hurricane followed a prophetic word that Regeneration Nashville Pastor Kent Christmas gave on July 9.

“‘I am going to begin to loose natural disasters,’ says The Lord,’ around the earth, but even as it was in Egypt where disaster hit but did not touch Goshen so shall it be in this hour for on one side of the street buildings will fall but on the other side of the street there will be no sign of any judgment because the righteous will not be judged,’ saith God.”

I (Rev. Jessip) believe Hurricane Ian, like many natural disasters in the Bible, has prophetic significance, much like how Ezekiel 36 predicted the future restoration of Israel, but not before God dealt with the land first.

Could Hurricane Ian be the first of a series of natural disasters and other calamities to strike America as God lifts His hand of protection off our country for the purpose of leading men and women to repentance?

Rev. Kevin Jessip is the co-founder and president of The Return International, president of the Global Strategic Alliance and chairman of Save the Persecuted Christians. He is an adviser to national and global leaders within the business, political and faith communities. After years as an executive for one of the world’s largest publicly traded companies, Kevin was called into a deeper ministry, where he began as a youth evangelist over four decades ago, to become a dedicated leader for national and global repentance. Find out more at and

Troy Anderson is a Pulitzer Prize-nominated investigative journalist, bestselling co-author of “The Military Guide to Disarming Deception,” “The Military Guide to Armageddon,” “Trumpocalypse” and “The Babylon Code,” and former executive editor of Charisma magazine and Charisma Media and reporter at the Los Angeles Daily News. He is the executive editor of The Return International and vice president of Battle Ready Ministries. Find out more at, and

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