Sat. Oct 5th, 2024

How Does—and Doesn’t—God Speak Through Numbers?


Read Time: 2 Minutes, 44 Seconds

“$2.22 will be your change”, smiles the barista as you check out with your latte. You glance at your watch to note how long you have before your next meeting, and it’s 2:22pm.

As you exit to the parking lot you nearly step in front of a car and inhale sharply, just before noticing the license plate ends in 222. You may have had an experience like this where it seems like a number is chasing you down. As a believer, likely your first thought was to question whether it was a sign from God. Does God really speak through numbers? Or are numbers reserved for the more occult and Satanic numerology and angel worship?

The truth is, the enemy only has the power to pervert or twist what God has created. He’s not creative himself. God, in His infinite creativity can use countless ways to speak to us- including numbers. The keys to correctly interpreting them are relationship and Biblical soundness.

The first place to start when seeing a number repeatedly is to simply ask, “Is this you, God?”. We don’t want to waste our energy spinning our wheels, but if God is trying to get our attention, we want to know so that we can do some digging and find out why.

Once you have confirmation that it’s from the Lord, start with relationship. Just as a good friend may reference past conversations or shared experiences, think back on your walk with the Lord. Has that number meant anything to you in the past? Has the Lord spoken through that number before, and if so, what did He tell you it meant?

Next, take to God’s word. Numbers are often used in the Bible. For example, twelve shows up in the tribes and the disciples. You may notice a theme of community of completeness in the ways that God uses twelve in scripture and determine that that is what He is speaking over your situation. Another way numbers can connect to His Word is in the form of a Biblical address. The “222” seen in the coffee shop may be leading you to Daniel 2:22. Do a search of the Word and see if the Holy Spirit highlights anything to you.

Most importantly, make sure it aligns with Scripture and God’s character and be flexible. The Lord isn’t a formula, and when we lock into the legalistic thinking that certain numbers mean certain things all the time to everyone, it takes away the precious aspect of relationship that the seeking out of understanding builds.

Don’t be afraid of “missing it”. God won’t give you a critical sign that you can’t decode. Numbers should serve as a confirmation of what He is speaking in other ways, so look for other ways He is speaking to bolster your search. “Digging” with the Lord can be a delightful adventure. So next time you notice a number pursuing you, don’t consult google or someone you esteem to be an expert…seek the Lord. See what He would show you in His Word, and delight in just one of the many, many ways He can speak.

Sara Whitten is an author, speaker, equipper, and founder of Arrows of Zion Ministry. She and her husband are pastors for the youth of Impact Christian Fellowship in Kerrville, Texas. Sara is a prophetic writer that is featured on Elijah List, Spirit Fuel, Charisma and more. She hosts “Hear God Every Day” on Charisma Podcast Network, a podcast with tools to help amplify the voice of God amidst the noise of everyday life.

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