Sat. Oct 5th, 2024
Charisma Media archives

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I recently released a vital podcast called Get the Demons Out of Your House. Spiritual warfare is a reality we must face.

The Apostle Paul wrote, “For our struggle is not against flesh and blood” (Eph 6:12).

Demonic interference is happening. Not recognizing it and dealing with it is not very smart. Christ died and gave us authority over the enemy’s works, but authority is useless if we do not exercise it.

So often, our focus is on the natural when what is happening in the spirit realm is causing life issues. In my show, I talk about the principle of invitations. An invitation is a welcome mat.

When someone or something has an invitation, they feel they have the right to enter. Sadly, we can inadvertently invite demons into our home through unintentional activities and even through objects. Therefore, spiritual house cleansing is necessary.

Satan and his demons are trespassers and will continue to trespass until forcibly removed. So, how do you handle this? First, you need to have discernment. It is a gift of the Holy Spirit that you can ask God for, and He will gladly bestow it upon you.

With discernment, you can determine if your house has unclean spirits. Sometimes it is a feeling or an inner voice. Sometimes it is just something that you know deep within your heart.

If you pray and ask the Holy Spirit to show you anything displeasing to God in your home, he will do it. You may be convicted of a sinful activity or directed to an ungodly object. These are invitations to the devil to come to visit.

After the Holy Spirit has revealed something you need to change or ask for forgiveness, it is time to do the cleansing. What I do is I walk through the house and I pray in the name of Jesus Christ over my home and my property.

There is a prayer of petition when we ask God to do something, and then there is Godly proclamation when we proclaim what God has told us to do. In cleansing your house, it is essential after a period of petitioning God to begin speaking with authority God’s word, God’s truth in the name of Jesus Christ over every room in your home and even over the boundaries of your property.

Do this with boldness and faith. I have done this many times and instantly noticed the atmosphere changing and improvements in many things. Cleansing your house can improve your marriage, your sleep, your health, and even your finances. God gets glory when we take authority over the enemy. I have never enjoyed focusing on demons. But part of our Christian job is to deal with disruption and distractions. Our primary focus should always be on Christ and the kingdom of God.

Jesus did not pay undue attention to demons, but He immediately dealt with them when He faced them. One of the signs of a believer in Christ is that they will cast out demons. Any invitation to the devil should be removed.

What does an invitation look like in your home? It could be an ungodly book, ungodly TV shows, ungodly music, or ungodly objects. I do not need to go into detail here because you know in your spirit what they are.

I am not fearful or overly zealous, but I would rather be safe and highly cautious if there could be a demonic presence in my home that could affect my family. Spiritual warfare is necessary for all Christians. I can tell you many stories of cleansing homes with God’s truth and authority with beautiful results.

There is nothing better than having the peace and glory of God in your home.

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Dr. Ray Self is the founder of Spirit Wind Ministries Inc. and the International College of Ministry. He holds a Doctorate in Christian Psychology and a Doctorate in Theology. He currently resides in Orlando, Florida. Follow and subscribe to Self Talk With Dr. Ray Self at his new podcast website International College of Ministry is now enrolling at  You can purchase Dr. Self’s books: Redeeming Your Past and Finding Your Promised Land and Hear His Voice, Be His Voice at

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