Sat. Oct 5th, 2024

Grow in Confidence That You Are Protected by Holy Spirit


The day it happened was a Friday, it was a great day. Earlier that day I had gone to the post office to send off a microphone that I was giving to a friend, and a book that my website manager was to give a friend of his. I also had quite a few ministry phone calls, overall a very productive day. In a blink of an eye, that all changed. I started talking to a fellow veteran. We were exchanging the names of the units that we had served in. All of a sudden I found myself on the ground being punched repeatedly in the face. Jesus is proud of me cause I was turning the other cheek over and over again! Finally, the assault ended, the fellow evidently took off. I got up from the ground, blood streaming from my face, and nose. My shirt and pants were covered in blood, but amazingly enough I felt pretty good.

I teach and believe that the Holy Spirit is my protector, since I teach that you might ask where was he, while I was being pummeled? The Holy Spirit was my shield and He was absorbing the blows. A conservative count of the hits I received is around twenty. My nose and jaw should’ve been broken, my face should’ve been swollen with my eyes swollen shut. I also should’ve suffered from a concussion. Yet none of this happened. I had a few cuts and my eyes were bruised and discolored, but that was it. Honestly, I didn’t even feel pain, not even the next day. Thank you, Jesus!

Of course, you will draw your own conclusions, but I want it to serve as a testimony of how God works even under terrible circumstances. This should serve as a testimony of God’s supernatural protection during a troubling situation. While I was being attacked there was someone else in the world also being assaulted and that person didn’t survive. The same is true of me being healed of Lou Gehrig’s Disease; there are many people who don’t survive. Which is why I’ve devoted my life to ministering to people, and teaching what Holy Spirit has shown me.

A key to having the Holy Spirit’s protection is communication, acknowledging his presence within you wherever you are, whatever you are doing. Often, we only think about engaging the Holy Spirit in conversation only when we are in our prayer closet on our knees or at church on Sundays. The majority of Christians gain knowledge of Jesus only through third party experiences. Reading about him, hearing about him through others’ experience, but never interacting with him for themselves. Include Him in everything that you do, develop a dependence upon him.

Recognize and acknowledge what he is actively doing, learn to spot instances that he influenced the situation. Such as I just did with recognizing how he protected me during the assault. The more sensitive we are to his actions the more we’ll spot them and the more dependent we will become on him. When you talk with your spouse about your plans for the next upcoming day, include him in that conversation “Holy Spirit what plans do you have for us today?”. Often before I enter a store or place of business, I’ll ask him to point out to me who needs a kind word or ministering to. He’ll highlight someone to you, and then act upon that nudging. Include the Holy Spirit in your daily decision making. Drop the religious formalities; a huge formality is the word prayer. The word prayer does not contain a hint of relationship; rather it is a word that indicates a one-way conversation. It is us doing all the talking. Instead view your interaction with the Holy Spirit as a conversation, not a solitary monologue. I talk to my Heavenly Father, I have a conversation with the Holy Spirit, I am interacting with Jesus.

The essential component is an all-inclusive relationship, and the bedrock of that is communication. The Holy Spirit doesn’t live in the book called the Bible, he lives within me. When I include him in my life and something happens, my heart instinctively reaches out to Him for help.

Tony Myers is the founder of Outside the 4 Walls Ministry. He was healed from Lou Gehrig’s Disease, and now teaches others to walk in relationship with the Holy Spirit, which includes healing. Tony is the author of The Lord Jesus Healed Me—Journey of an atheist to the Truth, Unlocking the Mystery of Divine Healing, Divine Healing DIY—Yes You Can, Knocking Food Off Its Pedestal, and Pushing the Boundaries in Christ—Living Supernaturally. His website is 

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