Sat. Oct 5th, 2024

Charisma Highlights: The World Is Watching: Speculation of Sept. 24 Catastrophic Event Sends Many Into Panic


Speculation of a catastrophic or world-changing event to happen on Sept. 24 has gone wild on social media, stemming from a mistake that a German legislator made in a speech earlier this month.

Fueling the spread of this online fascination are QAnon conspiracy theories, TikTok content creators and numerology-based interpretations of a specific episode of “The Simpsons” about a survivalist preparing for the end of the world.

Millions of people have posted or shared on social media this month various theories and imaginative thoughts ranging from Donald Trump coming back into power in the White House to a false flag attack or a major solar flare. Others believe there could be “10 days of darkness” resulting from massive cyber-attacks that would happen on Sept. 24, 2022.“Do not seek to speak to the fallen dust from which man has come.


I heard the Spirit of the Lord say, “Do not fear at this time where evil seems to prosper. I am bringing you to victory. There is a shaking of the foundations in America unlike you have ever experienced in the past. I am removing every mask of deception, dismantling satanic structures and demolishing demonic altars.”

Destroying the Stranglehold on America

“There will be two significant deaths that shall come; they will mark an end of the injustice they have sown. This will be a sign that I will not tolerate the spirit of python in your nation! I’m destroying the stranglehold that hell has placed upon you, America.

“Do not argue with the dark carnality and corruption of sinful man. Do not entangle yourself in the war of the flesh in Washington, D.C.


They will make the greatest bid for world domination in history.

It is no longer just armies that threaten freedom—it is corporations and corrupt politicians. I believe that evil in all of its vile colors is even now rising to try to crush our freedom and our churches.

They wield astonishing power. They have mountains of money, unlimited connections and enormous influence. Will they destroy nations and borders? Will they drive the church underground? Is it possible that they can indeed plow under the entire moral foundation of America, and even the world?

The Spirit of the Lord says this day, “Is My arm too short that it cannot save My children? Is My power too limited that it cannot intervene? Fear not, for I am with you. Be not dismayed, for I am your God. Behold, I will strengthen you; I will uphold you with My righteous hand,” says the Lord of hosts.

A Bypass and a Fall

The Spirit of the Lord says this day, “The heart of the nation has become diseased. The chambers are filled with decay and filth and a bypass is needed and required,” says the Lord. “And bypass I will,” says the Lord. “For I, the Lord your God, do not submit to man’s laws and man-made governments,” says the Lord. “I am not under their jurisdiction. However,” says the Lord, “they shall certainly be under Mine. For there is a time and season for everything under heaven,” says the Lord of hosts, “a time to rise up and a time to fall.

Barack Obama, George Soros and Bill Gates have plans—plans that could envelope the world. They are feverishly putting the finishing touches on strategies to redefine the human race. They are the apostles of the “new normal.” Conspirator number one, Obama, wishes to rule through a puppet president. Soros, the second one is funding and managing global anarchy. The last one named, Bill Gates, seems to be pinning his hope on a mandatory vaccine.

We are heading into a year that is so, so important for us to understand. I remember when we used to only pray. Now we also decree and declare, and when we decree a thing, we see it begin to happen.

I believe our authority is increasing. It is a picture of this whole historical era we are in right now. We shifted in September 2019, at Rosh Hashanah. Of course, all of you remember March 2020, when God pulled us all aside and said, “I need a divine pause to get My people moving in a new way.” And I believe we are now moving into this—in this new way. I thank God for ministries such as yours that keep us doing just that.

But I believe this year ahead is going to be our supernatural year. When I look at Scripture regarding the year ahead, we all need to know that we are coming into a supernatural confrontation. We don’t need to think humanistically, and humanistic religion can wear you down. We need to know that we are coming into a time when it is not just about Right versus Left, male versus female, culture versus race, but Kingdom versus kingdom. We are moving into a supernatural dimension.

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