Sat. Oct 5th, 2024

Michael Youssef Ministry Launches Ministry to Spark the Urgency of Sharing the Gospel

Charisma News archives

Dr. Michael Youssef and Leading The Way’s global ministry are excited to announce their upcoming Evangelistic Celebrations as an additional method to achieve their mission to see one million lives changed by the gospel. Leading The Way’s Evangelistic Celebrations are part of the ministry’s Vision 2025 initiative to expand every area of ministry.

For the Evangelistic Celebrations, the Leading The Way team will partner with local pastors and church leaders across ethnic and denominational lines to seek God’s vision for a certain region, reach out to their local community and train their congregations in evangelism and discipleship for several months. After six to eight months of training the local community, Youssef will hold a proclamation event to share the gospel and offer an invitation to salvation.

Those who come to know the Lord at the event will be connected with local churches for ongoing discipleship, strengthening the local church and setting new believers up for long-term spiritual growth.

“Over the last 30-plus years of ministry, thousands have surrendered their lives to Christ through Leading The Way’s global ministry,” Youssef says. “In 2018, we launched a strategic endeavor called Vision 2025. Within Vision 2025, God has led us to conduct strategic Evangelistic Celebrations, both domestically and internationally. Following an invitation from the local Christian community, our team will come and train churches to bring the lost to hear the gospel of Jesus.

“I am privileged to be a pastor and therefore I love the church. I am a servant of the local pastor and when I come to a city, I do not take people away from the church but add to the church. After the Celebration, we will leave church members trained to do follow-up and discipleship. As we expand this vital area of ministry, may the Lord be glorified as we press on to fulfill His Great Commission.”

Planning is now underway for 2023 Celebrations in Australia, Egypt, Ireland and the U.S. The first Leading The Way Evangelistic Celebration will take place in Macon, Georgia, on March 24-25, 2023.

The Evangelistic Celebration is a fresh new way to lead more people to Christ before He returns. Dr. Youssef’s upcoming book, “Is The End Near?,” launching on October 4, similarly inspires readers to share the Gospel with others in the last days. In the book, Youssef calls for believers to watch for the signs of the end times… and be prepared. Instead of being fearful of the events to come, Youssef challenges readers to remain faithful to the uncompromising truth of the Gospel as many are falling away.

“I spend every waking moment praying for God’s guidance and strategizing how to get the gospel to the ends of the earth,” Youssef said. “I’m urging people, getting on my knees and pleading for people to come to Christ—because when the time comes and the door is shut, the time of mercy will be gone forever. But for now, the time of mercy still remains. God has given us an incredible opportunity. Never have we had such an open door to bring His powerful Word to a lost world.”

Dr. Michael Youssef, who has traveled around the world 67 times, was born in Egypt and lived in Lebanon and Australia before coming to the United States and fulfilling a childhood dream of becoming an American citizen. He holds degrees from Moore College in Sydney, Australia, and Fuller Theological Seminary in California, with a Ph.D. in cultural anthropology from Emory University. Youssef has authored more than 50 books, including popular titles like “Jesus, Jihad and Peace,” “Hope for This Present Crisis,” and “Saving Christianity?” 

For more information on Dr. Youssef’s newest book release, Is The End Near?,” visit www.istheendnearbook.comThe book is available for preorder now.



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