Sat. Oct 5th, 2024
Charisma Media archives

In the month of August, God is bringing swift turnarounds so that your hard places will become a wide-open field.

God is bringing about divine connections in order to strengthen the body of Christ. He is releasing faith for radical generosity, divine strategy to champion others and solutions for meeting the needs of the disenfranchised.

This month, draw close to the Holy Spirit and listen to His whispers. He will guide you as you take bold steps of faith and meet you in your courage.

Swift Turnarounds

Recently, my mom had to have emergency surgery. The whole thing was quite sudden and alarming—even traumatic—and afterward, she developed some very serious complications. There were several days where she was in critical condition and we needed a miracle. Many people were praying for her during that time.

Overnight, she went from requiring 11 liters of oxygen to not needing oxygen at all. It was a marked and sudden turnaround in her condition. I knew it was the hand of God, and an answer to the faithful prayers of the saints contending for her health.

In the moment, it was a minute-by-minute battle as I stood in faith, believing the promises and words from the Lord. At one point, one of her health care providers saw her dire situation and told me I had better prepare for her to die.

However, I refused to accept those words. I was in the throes of battle and I could not afford any thought that wasn’t rooted in truth and from the heart of God. After several obstacles, mom defeated all the odds and expectations and is now home and thriving (in record time).

Many others have recently experienced similar situations, where they were suddenly thrown onto the front lines of a battle, and it took everything within them to maintain a victorious mindset and simply believe in God. Just like He did for us, God is bringing about swift turnarounds which will surprise the naysayers and reinvigorate the faithful ones contending on the front lines.

Second Corinthians 4:8-9 says, “We are hard pressed on every side, but not crushed; perplexed, but not in despair; persecuted, but not abandoned; struck down, but not destroyed.”

God is reminding His people that He is with them no matter what. He is highlighting where you are experiencing warfare and teaching you how to pray. He is answering your prayers and bringing a sudden turnaround so that your tough place becomes a wide open field.

Psalm 18:19 says, “He brought me out into a spacious place; He rescued me because He delighted in me.” It is a season of swift turnarounds. If you have felt crushed, weighed down or powerless to change things, then this word is for you.

Remember God’s promises to you. Ask those faithful ones around you to pray. Stand in faith and believe God’s word to you. Worship. Remain hopeful and guard against words spoken against the situation. Be diligent to reject curses and speak blessings. Speak Scripture over your situation. Ask for help when you need it and try to get the rest your body needs.

Connecting Hearts

The times we are living in can be so divisive if we aren’t careful to guard our hearts. Everywhere we look, it feels like the differences between us are being highlighted, broadcast and even capitalized. The enemy is doing his best to divide, alienate and separate us from one another.

God is moving powerfully to connect people’s hearts and to strengthen connections. Where we are going, it will be necessary to stand strong together, trusting and relying on one another. This is a season of preparation and deepening relationships. With so much going virtual, and now church being as “easy” as turning on your computer, meeting people and actually connecting can be more challenging.

Something powerful happens when we are physically in the presence of one another. Don’t forsake gathering with fellow Believers when you have an opportunity. Relationships are being strengthened and going deeper to add momentum and synergy within those relationships. Hebrews 10:24-25 states, “And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds, not giving up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but encouraging one another—and all the more as you see the Day approaching.”

God is bringing people together to strengthen the body. Some acquaintances will become close friends. Friends will become spouses. Good friends will become business partners. And some that are not aligned or solidly connected in your life will fall away to make room for strategic, timely relationships.

If you have been hungry for community, relationships and even finding your “tribe,” this word is for you. It is also for those who have felt like they’ve had a hard time connecting with people.

If this word resonates with you, be brave and go past your comfort zone. Growth happens there! Meet new people, and when you have an opportunity to physically gather, say yes! God is bringing those that you need into your orbit. Take a step of faith and watch what He does!

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Texas-born Anne Ballard worked as a nurse for seventeen years before fully embracing her creative nature. Having grown up believing that God only spoke through the Bible, her life was transformed with the personal knowledge that He still speaks today. As she experienced a revelation of God’s love for her and the power of words to transform and heal, she began designing jewelry, partnering with the Holy Spirit to create a tangible way to bring heaven to earth. This is where her prophetic jewelry company, The Crowning Jewels, was birthed. Many people recognize her company as a business-ministry hybrid. She is known as a prophetic visionary with the drive to accomplish her dreams. Her mandate is to champion others as they discover their God given identity and fulfill their divine purpose.

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