Sat. Oct 5th, 2024

Prophetic Word: The Lord Says, ‘I Am Releasing My Firebrands’

Charisma News archives

Recently while in worship, I was talking to the Lord when this prophetic flow began to come forth. I took out my phone and pressed record. This is the transcription of that word I received:

“God, I see the firebrands rising up. God, I see the firebrands rising up. I see the hot coals being released. I see the hot coals being released. What am I seeing, Lord? What is it that You would say? What is it that You would say to this generation?”

“Come out and be separated! Come out and be separated!” says the Lord. “Come out and be separated!” says the Lord. “For I’m removing the Baals from the lips of this generation,” says the Lord. “I am, in this hour, putting fresh, hot coals on the tongues of My people that have been afraid to speak, that have been muzzled, that have felt the spirit of Python around their necks, choking them into submission and silence.

Who Will Choose Me?

“This is a generation that has been conflicted, a generation that has felt confused because the spirit of the age has been blinding them and choking them into submission. In this hour, in this hour, I’m confronting the fear of man. I’m confronting the fear of man and pouring out, and pouring out My Spirit upon them.

“I’m looking to and fro around the earth for a generation who will choose Me over the crowd, who would choose Me over the crowd … who will choose the secret place over the public space. I’m looking for those who would lay down their earthly crowns and reputations to follow Me. Will you lay down? Will you lay down your earthly crowns for Me? Will you stop trying to appease man and culture? Will you stop trying to appease man and culture?”

Who Will Follow Me?

Then I heard the Lord say, “Who are those who will follow Me? Who are those who will follow Me into the new wineskin? Who will leave the old manna behind? Who will forfeit their reputation that was built on the old foundations, which now are in ruins, and build the new thing with Me? Who will lay down their earthly crowns and pick up their new mantles? Who will press against the fear of man and lean into the fear of the Lord? Who will love not their lives unto death?

“For this is an hour where My firebrands will be raised up to clear away the cobwebs of the old wineskin, remove the shackles off of My people and lead them into the new. And they will be given the building plans to establish and build what is on My heart to build. They will confront the places of desolation and ruin, and in its midst will they will build foundations for My church to build upon.

Who Will Be Marked?

“This is a generation marked for holiness. This is a generation marked for such an outpouring—an unusual revival, an unusual revival. This is a generation—this is a generation born to be the firebrands that lead a cold church back into My heart … back into My heart.

Deliverance for My Church

“And this is an hour of deliverance for My church. This is an hour of deliverance for My church. It’s an hour of invitation. I’m delivering them from every single mind-blinding spirit that has been tormenting them, every spirit of slander and assassination that has been relentlessly attacking them and every single voice of conflict and confusion that warred against their minds and their peace and robbed them of vision and future.

“I am, right now, dealing with this spirit, and I’m leading My people out of the old wineskin into something fresh and new; and they’re gonna feel their spirits burning with delight again. They are gonna feel the fresh wind of My Spirit come out of their mouths and authority [come] back on their lips. They will feel passion arise from the depths of their hearts again, as they did in the beginning.

Restoration of Innocence, Joy and Zeal

“I’m restoring what has been stolen and robbed from My people, because this spirit of the age came to steal the fire of My people. But in this hour, I’m baptizing My church afresh. I’m leading them into the threshing floor where they will leave every old tattered rag behind, and they’ll pick up [their] zeal again. They’ll pick up their zeal again, and they will burn with a zeal that they’ve not felt in years. They will burn with a zeal they’ve not felt in years.

“It’s time for the zeal to return to My church, where they’ve traded zeal for compromise and appeasing—appeasing the masses. They will drop their compromise and they’ll pick up their zeal. They’ll speak My truth and reveal My heart in an hour [when] the earth needs to know My heart. And they will not hold back. They will not hold back and you will not hold back.

“The fear of man is, right now, breaking off your life, and My zeal is branding you deeply. I am forging you, right now, into a weapon of truth—of My heart—that will pierce through the noise. I know the opinions and mud-slinging of the mob has been relentless, and you’ve had to stay at My feet to keep your purity and peace; but I don’t want you to hold back your tongue when I’ve anointed you to be My herald in this hour.

“I am raising up My firebrands, right now, for places of influence. Where once their words fell on deaf ears, now I will cause the seats and places of impact to be handed over to them—where the occupiers have bowed to the spirit of the age. They will take the keys and reveal My heart and truth. They will burn with My zeal and ignite a generation being led into compromise back into My fiery gaze.”

“His disciples remembered that it is written: ‘Zeal for Your house will consume me’ (John 2:17).”

For the rest of this article, visit {eoa}

Nate Johnston is a prophetic voice and worshiper who has a heart to see sons and daughters unleashed into passionate friendship with God and an effective supernatural lifestyle. Through his ministry school “Everyday Revivalists,” he leads people from the basics of the gospel through to being sent and released into their mission field, as well as championing and raising up emerging prophetic voices around the world. His burning cry and desire is to see the body of Christ become a beacon for the lost by raising up a generation that walks in the love and power of God, representing Him well. Nate and his wife Christy have three daughters, Charlotte, Sophie and Ava and live in Dallas, Texas.

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