Sat. Oct 5th, 2024

Marilyn Hickey: Don’t Let Stress, Worry and Anxiety Consume Your Life


Are you feeling weary, wondering if your troubles will ever end or perhaps wondering if you’ll ever be healed? Don’t let stress, worry or anxiety consume your life. You can come against those strongholds and be free from their destruction. If you realize that faith and fear are opposite—they cannot exist in the same place at the same time—then today can be your breakthrough day!

The devil is restless and wanders around looking for who he can attack. When we get restless and uptight, we’re getting into the devil’s territory. God doesn’t want you there. God wants you to be full of miraculous faith because when you’re restless, you don’t focus in faith. The devil is restless, but you can be anchored in your faith.

Replace your fears with faith, and witness a transformation in your life. Faith is a process, and you need to stand on the Word of God and simply believe.

An important key in ridding yourself of stress and anxiety is knowing that God wants us to rest and be refreshed in Him and not be anxious. The Bible tells us that on the seventh day, God rested from all His work (Gen. 2:3). So, man’s first full day with God was a day of rest.

Genesis 3:19 says, “In the sweat of your face you shall eat bread till you return to the ground.” Part of the human curse was sweat and stress. So today, turn over those things that just gnaw on your guts to God. When Jesus hung on the cross, He said, “It is finished.” That means the curse is finished, and we can have His rest.

Remember, you can do all things through Christ who strengthens you. In Isaiah 11:10, the Bible says, “…and His resting place shall be glorious.” Friends, that is the place where we have to turn over our concerns to God and rest in Him. God says rest is glorious because we’re resting in faith.

Marilyn Hickey founded Marilyn Hickey Ministries over 45 years ago with God’s vision to cover the earth with the Word. Marilyn co-hosts a daily television program, Today with Marilyn & Sarah, reaching a potential viewing audience of over 2 billion households worldwide. Marilyn communicates deep biblical truths in a way that is understandable and practical for everyday life.

Sarah Bowling is on a mission to connect every one with the heart of God while loving those who are overlooked, excluded and ignored.  Led by the Holy Spirit and anchored in the Word, Sarah seeks to inspire all to know the unconditional and transformational love of God in our daily lives. A Bible teacher, author, international speaker and a global humanitarian, Sarah also co-hosts a daily television program, Today with Marilyn & Sarah.

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