Sat. Oct 5th, 2024

Prophetic Word: Nothing Will Be Concealed, Not Even in the Body of Christ


Earlier this month on a Sunday, my friend picked me up for church, which gave me the ability to finish getting ready in the car. By getting ready I mean applying my makeup, as it’s almost always the last step for me and done on the go.

This day, I couldn’t find my concealer; it should have been in either my makeup bag or purse, though after searching with no avail it appeared to be misplaced or lost. For those of you who are not familiar with concealer and what it is used for, it is a light color cosmetic that is applied to the face that typically blends in with the skin to “conceal.”

My concealer is specifically used to brighten the under the eye area, though it can be used for blemishes, red areas or to blur imperfections. For me, if I choose to wear makeup it is a step in my routine that I don’t like to leave out as it gives a bright and even-tone look, however there was no substitute so I shrugged it off and went about my day.

After service, when I arrived back to the place where I am staying, I was walking up the stairs when the Holy Spirit spoke to me and said, “No Concealer.” I then heard the Scripture verse from Luke 12, “There is nothing concealed that will not be disclosed, or hidden that will not be made known” (Luke 12:2, NIV).

In greater context, for over a year the Lord has been speaking to me about judgment, kings, ruling and war. However, I have seldom released those messages and have been intentionally “flying low.” Two months ago, the Lord told me I needed to start saying the harder things He shares with me as it aligns with my purpose and call.

I asked the Lord why He didn’t just tell me the Scripture as opposed to having me experience the message of literally “going without concealer” and He said, “Because it’s right under the eye.” It is at the door—exposure, war, judgment, separation. In other words, we are about to have an encounter with this knowledge.

The experience with the concealer came after several weeks of new warning words, as well as dreams and visions of the needed cleansing and separation that is coming to the church. There was a twofold message in the concealer: First, I could no longer keep hidden the secrets He has shared with me when given permission to release and secondly, whatever has been hiding in darkness will be made known and come to light.  I was curious to know if I actually lost the concealer, and I did find it later on a small side table that I didn’t recall placing it on. I have gotten used to the prophetic acts that I often will experience on behalf of the church body, and this was confirmation that this was of importance to the Lord.

More revelation continued to flow as I thought about specific areas I apply the concealer; in addition to my eyes, I also use it around the crease of my nose, and above my top lip known as “cupid’s bow” as it gives the effect of opening up the lips. As I meditated upon what the Lord already said to me, I realized it didn’t end there—He wants us to fully sense what is happening in the body without filter (nose). He wants to reveal the false loyalty and religious spirit (lips).

Our eyes cannot see on our own body these pointed-out areas; we cannot see the creases or dark circles under our eye; we cannot see the folds beside our nose and we cannot see our lips. The Lord is wanting us to see what is in “the fold” and “under the surface,” so to speak, in His body.  Luke 12:1 is the opening scripture that precedes “Nothing Concealed” and gives warning of the leaven of the Pharisees.

In the meantime, when so many thousands of the people had gathered that they were trampling on one another, Jesus commenced by saying primarily to His disciples, “Be on your guard against the leaven (ferment) of the Pharisees, which is hypocrisy [producing unrest and violent agitation]” (Luke 12:1, AMPC).

As I was writing this out, I felt the Holy Spirit prompt me to look up the word “leaven” in the Greek. Leaven is defined in HELPS Word-studies (figuratively) as: “the spreading influence of what is typically concealed, generally a symbol of the spreading nature of evil.” Then Jesus says, “Nothing is [so closely] covered up that it will not be revealed, or hidden that it will not be known. Whatever you have spoken in the darkness shall be heard and listened to in the light, and what you have whispered in [people’s] ears and behind closed doors will be proclaimed upon the housetops” (Luke 12:2-3, AMPC).

Earlier that week prior to the concealer experience, I had another alarming dream of an unclean spirit trying to reproduce itself and directionally drive the body of Christ through seduction. Visually, a very tall man was sitting Indian style with his posture straight, his wife also very tall was also sitting Indian style to the left of him.

This woman’s limbs coiled around the husband in an unnatural humanly possible way so that she was partly intertwined with him, though in the rite of unity. The woman’s name in the dream means “pure” and “clear,” though is also from the Greek god of magic, meaning “torture.” The man’s name symbolizes a type of Christ and means “to save,” “God is deliverance.” The man’s head seemed to be enlarged in the dream.

Ultimately, the man representing the head of the church was influenced by sensuality, unaware and was subdued by a false peace, yielding his power to the desire and mind of the woman. The sensual spirit was masked under leadership, unity, purity and peace and nearly impossible to discern based on appearances and logic.

When I was praying about the dream later in the morning that day, the Lord gave me a vision of a large whitehead on the face that was ready to pop. It was quite deceptive because it was not red and irritated on the surface, though hiding underneath was the root of the acne where the buildup of old oils and infection was trapped within the clogged pore.

When I saw the vision, it was magnified, so that the whitehead was very enlarged, like a mountain slope. The internal build up was piling high and ready to burst forth. The Lord was also pointing out that it was white, which normally means purity, however He was saying the mountain was disguised as “being pure.”

“Who may ascend into the hill of the Lord? Or who may stand in His holy place? He who has clean hands and a pure heart, Who has not lifted up his soul to an idol, Nor sworn deceitfully” (Ps. 24:3-4, NKJV).

This “popping” of the underlying infection will expose idolatry and deceit within the body of Christ.

To continue reading the rest of this prophetic word, click here.

Amy Sutherland is currently based in Atlanta, Georgia, and is the founder of Ablaze Global Productions and currently produces and hosts The Long Way Home podcast on the Charisma Podcast Network, and is a co-host on the talk show The Christian View. Ablaze Global Productions is a ministry-production company formed from her dual call to minister to the church and the unreached around the globe.

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