Sat. Oct 5th, 2024

Jesus Christ Trends on Twitter This Week, Tearing the Digital Veil

Charisma Media archives

If a digital equivalent of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil existed, many Twitter users would spitefully tweet out “forbidden fruit” in their enraged, woke hysteria in search of a utopia that doesn’t exist.

But the social media platform also occasionally gets a new branch of life when people of faith express their love for Jesus and get God-honoring hashtags trending.

The hashtag, #JesusChrist, has been trending on Twitter this week when thousands of followers of Christ went to the social media platform to tweet Bible verses, make life-affirming statements, share faith-filled images, celebrate freedom and take a stand for objective Truth and the resurrected Lord. There was a digital celebration about the Lord Jesus across the world on an ordinary day—at least in the digital world.

If thousands of pro-death, abortion advocates can protest in front of the Supreme Court, outside Supreme Court Justice’s homes or on the property of pro-life pregnancy centers, then thousands of people can honor Jesus Christ on the digital doorstep of the world’s “newswire” and “town hall” for public opinion.

Any one individual who tweeted #JesusChrist may not be newsworthy on his or her own, but the collective efforts of a significant number of Twitter users, whether coordinated or purely spontaneous, to raise up the name of Jesus on a well-known global social media platform demonstrates that the body of Christ can still come together and have their collective voices heard, calming the tweet storms.

Sincerity, honor, faith and hope are still evident on Twitter, which may be newsworthy itself amid an enormous population of angry, self-indulgent, narcissistic, small-thinking Twitter trolls who are consumed by anti-Christian discrimination and poor grammar, drooling down their tweets. Not to mention the bots, whose untold numbers have sent Elon Musk denying Twitter faster than Peter’s denial of Jesus three times.

But the display of faith to shine a light in a darkened digital world offers hope and inspiration that Christian leaders could send a message via Twitter at any time, and relentlessly, to push back the spiritual darkness that seems to consume the social media platform. It may be too much to say that evil prevails when Christians don’t tweet, but the next “Jesus movement” may actually start online.

This unfolded in a conflicted age when the ideological left (i.e. American Marxists) wants to cancel Jesus by putting Him back in the grave, as well as shut down churches, subject the gospel to political correctness and inflict a godless ‘color revelation’ on America to bury the Judeo-Christian roots of this nation.

The hatred for Christianity on Twitter may rival the hatred that King Herod had 2,000 years ago for Jesus in Israel. Jesus Christ is a threat to many people’s evil agendas and self-centered rule. Any student of Christianity knows, King Herod tried to cancel Jesus when He was a baby. Even then, the anti-Jesus Christ crowd, who would be considered left-wing or Democrats today, had an obsession with killing babies.

Ironically, this same spirit still exists in the world today, no matter how “modern” or sophisticated the “civilized” world has become. A cursory glance at the pro-abortion tweets on Twitter reveals that sinful human nature has not changed. The human heart does not change without Jesus.

Twitter has become a mirror of the human heart. If heaven ever loses records of everything that every person has said, thought or wrote, Twitter may be one of the sources of data (half-jokingly). Only the blood of Jesus can truly “delete” sins; not the delete button on this social media platform.

Before Twitter declares the name of Jesus as “hate speech” and requires “Jesus Christ” to only be used as a swear (in vain), otherwise you’ll be censored and banned, Christ-centered believers may want to get onboard the next trending ride, such as #JesusIsLord or #HolySpiritIsReal or #BiblicalTruth.

It will likely trigger the anti-Christian users who claim to be “tolerant” and “inclusive.” The digital veil gets torn every day as good vs evil battles it out on Twitter. Yet, on any given ordinary day, the church can rise up and send faith-filled shock waves across the twittersphere in 280 characters—taking advantage of the fact that 98% of the Bible is tweetable. {eoa}

Anthony Hart is a freelance writer for Charisma News. Listen to Anthony Hart’s new podcast The Roaring Heart Podcast on the Charisma Podcast Network.

Listen to “479. A Page Out Of The Book Of Your Life” on Spreaker.

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