Sat. Oct 5th, 2024

Mario Murillo: ‘Millions of Americans Are Ready to Be Born Again’

Mario Murillo tent crusade in Colorado Springs

Despite the godlessness and evil that pollute our society, evangelist Mario Murillo says he’s more excited today than he’s been since the days of the Jesus Movement. This powerful, spirit-filled preacher is brimming with optimism because, he says, he hasn’t seen so much interest in the gospel in nearly 50 years.

Murillo says he was extremely encouraged by what he saw during his most recent crusade in Colorado Springs, Colorado. Numerous souls were saved, cancers disappeared, legs were straightened and other miraculous healings took place during the four-day event in Colorado.

And it’s not just in Colorado. Murillo’s tent meetings have produced the same results and the same powerful movement of God in recent months, giving Murillo and his staff reason to be hopeful for what God is doing right now and will do in the near future.

“You know, we purchased a new tent a few months ago that’s twice the size of the one we used before and we assumed that it was big enough,” Murillo told me on a recent episode of the Strang Report podcast. “And boy, were we wrong. The harvest in America is so staggering, so towering, that I’m convinced that millions of Americans are ready to be born again.

“On July 10, we began our tenth crusade (in 2022). We just finished it on the July 13. Imagine, in a tent that sat 2,500 people, we had nearly 5,000 in attendance. By faith, we had gotten 5,000 chairs and used nearly every one of them. Every single night of the crusade, there was an atmosphere of the Holy Spirit that drew the lost. Those who needed Christ and were not Christian came forward by the hundreds.

“We estimated on Tuesday night alone that we were praying with nearly 1,000 people who were inquiring about the things of God. Without apology, I will tell you that the worship was exuberant, to say the least, even fiery, and that did not put off the outsider at all.”

As the Holy Spirit moved through the tent during the crusade, Murillo told me that not only were the lost enthusiastically coming to Jesus, but miraculous healings took place that can only be explained as God.

“For those of you that believe there are miracles, signs and wonders today, take heart,” Murillo said. “Because in these four nights, there were staggering and stunning acts of God, miracles. We had a precious woman that came unable to walk; a wonderful, precious woman of God. We caught her at the moment of her healing on video where her legs were loosened and she stoop up and didn’t just begin to walk, but running and dancing. It electrified the audience.

“We were singing at the end of a service How Great Thou Art, which young people thought was a new song. Hundreds of young people were in our tent and they were singing that song. I gave a word in the midst and I said, ‘There’s a man with cancer of the throat being healed.’ That lump vanished and he began to sing How Great Thou Art. What broke his heart about his illness is that he is a singer, and he couldn’t sing (because of the cancer). After his healing, he went home and his son could hear his father’s singing somewhere in the house, and ran to him and said, ‘Dad, what in the world?’ It was one of those powerful and sweet things that only Jesus could do.”

What a powerful and encouraging report. Mario and I went on to talk about many other things, including his change of attitude toward the ‘woke’ church. You won’t want to miss what he said. Tune into the Strang Report podcast podcast to hear everything we talked about and what Mario is seeing God do. Please share it with your friends on social media to get the word out. God, indeed, is good.

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