Sat. Oct 5th, 2024

Jane Hamon Prophesies: The Voice of the Lord Shatters Your Enemy

Prophets are being stirred from sleep to pray. Perhaps this is happening to you. You are being called to pray into the mighty work of the Lord in this hour.

Jane Hamon prophesied, saying, “Prophets from around the world agree: we have entered a new era in the church, the nations and in history. In times of great darkness in the earth God will cause His glory to shine on His church. And we will see one of the greatest harvests the earth has ever seen.”

Jane was given a dream, and within the dream she had a vision of the enemy’s plans.

She said, “I had a dream where a spiritual assignment was sent against a godly leader and reformer. The enemy’s name was Rabshakeh. And he was coming to spread poison on the back of the leader and then take a rod to beat his back. The back represents the man’s strength. The back was where Jesus was beaten so that we can receive our healing. But the enemy wanted to beat him down, afflicting him with poison. To rob from him and destroy him.”

Jane continued saying about her dream, “Before Rabshakeh could complete his mission of destruction, we alerted the authorities, who captured him. The authorities then led us out and put the enemy’s rods in our hands to beat his back. Rabshakeh’s name means ‘chief prince’ and is a demonic assignment against the reformers, leaders and even the nations today. Rabshakeh was the emissary of Sennacherib. He was a mouthpiece, sent to demoralize Hezekiah and his armies. Isaiah 36 gives the account of this evil man trying to get Hezekiah’s armies to quit and flee.

“Rabshakeh filled the air with accusations against who God is. He was against who the leaders were. But don’t let the enemy get in your head! There is a demonic mind control that is trying to talk believers out of their destinies on an individual basis and even trying to bring nations into subjection and submission. … Be strong and courageous. Be not afraid nor dismayed. Hezekiah cried out to God at the altar and sent for the prophet Isaiah to hear the word of the Lord. Isaiah the prophet declared in Isaiah 37:33-35 (NKJV), ‘Thus says the Lord … “He shall not come into this city, nor shoot an arrow there, nor come before it with shield, nor build a siege mound against it. By the way that he came, by the same shall he return; and he shall not come into this city,” says the Lord. “For I will defend this city, to save it for My own sake and for My servant David’s sake.”‘ That very night God sent an angel to slay 185,000 Assyrians, and Sennacherib and Rabshakeh returned home and were killed by their own people.

“At the end of my dream, the rod of punishment which the enemy sought to be used against the godly leader was used against him! The Lord turned the evil that the enemy meant against the leader back on his own head. Hear the word of the Lord! The voice of the Lord will shatter your enemy; with His scepter He will strike him down. Rise up, reformers; lift your heads, all you leaders. Seek the Lord and hear His voice. Everything you are fighting against, every Rabshakeh assignment to get in your head and accuse you will be shattered by the voice of the Lord. The voice of the Lord shatters your enemy.” {eoa}

Watch the word from Jane Hamon here.

Jared and Rochelle Laskey co-founded Fireborn Ministries to teach believers how to live a daily Spirit-empowered life. You can find their resources and learn more about their ministry at They also have e-courses such as Entry Level Prophecy, The Last Days, The Baptism with the Holy Spirit and more on, and the popular podcast Adventures in the Spirit, available anywhere you listen to podcasts.

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