Sat. Oct 5th, 2024

Ongoing Kansas Revival Goes Mainstream Protestant

It is no coincidence that revival in the greater Coffeyville, Kansas, basin has taken a turn toward mainstream Protestantism.

The newest pastor of Coffeyville, Rev. Yves Kinangwa of the First United Methodist Church, has come from Central Africa embodying the fear of the Lord, preaching on the power of the Holy Spirit. His parishioners have been crying out to God each Sunday morning in fear and trembling, repenting of sin, seeking holiness in the old-fashioned way and pleading for God’s mercy upon them.

The Methodist Church was birthed in the Holiness Movement, which gave rise to the Pentecostal Movement of 1906. Interestingly, in Coffeyville these two movements continue to exist side by side. In fact, the leader of the Latter Rain Movement of America, Rev. Franklin Hall, and his sister, Charisma author and evangelist Verna Hall Linzey, were reared initially in the Methodist Church and eventually in the Pentecostal Church of Coffeyville, which their stepfather, Rev. Francis L. Doyle, pastored and brought into the Assemblies of God in 1928.

From 1940 to the 1970s, Rev. Hall took the message of holiness, tongues, prayer and fasting to the university campuses and churches of West and Central Africa, and the churches there distributed his literature widely. In turn, Rev. Kinangwa has recently come to Coffeyville out of Central Africa with Rev. Hall’s message of holiness, where the Methodist Church is experiencing a mighty move of the Holy Spirit with packed-out services.

“At First United Methodist Church, we are experiencing spiritual renewal and tremendous unity in the Spirit. We connect with the Holy Spirit before we connect with one another,” Rev. Kinangwa said. “There is a pattern in our church members’ lives. It always begins with the Holy Spirit. As our members fully submit to the Holy Spirit, they are able to experience unity in and power of the Holy Spirit.”

The visionary behind the ongoing revival in the Coffeyville basin is Rev. James Feltner, pastor of Emmanuel Chapel of South Coffeyville, Oklahoma, who has spearheaded many revival services in Coffeyville and northern Oklahoma. Rev. Feltner invited Rev. Randy DePriest, pastor of the Coffeyville Assembly of God church, to rotate with him in the speaking schedule in early June.

From Arizona, I contacted Pastor DePriest and asked what happened. “Thank God for the last two nights of revival where signs and wonders were witnessed by many! Monday night, six individuals testified about notable healing miracles that they received in the Sunday evening service,” said Rev. DePriest. “People healed of 30 years of impairment. Another one was a 15-year disability that was instantly healed! The testimonies kept coming.” He continued, “Many other people received the Holy Spirit for the first time in their lives!”

He stated, “Miracles happened and walls of division were destroyed! God is so good to us. One friend testified with tears that God has confirmed his calling and work during the Sunday evening service. Souls were saved and people were set free by the will of God!”

Dr. Doug Stringer, founding president of Somebody Cares America/International, said in his article “4 Things All Revivals Have in Common,” dated June 10, 2022, “Every revival is unique. … When the fear of the Lord comes, people are terrified! They see the truth of their condition in relation to the holiness of God.” This resonates with what is happening at First United Methodist Church of Coffeyville.

Rev. Kinangwa added that at the First United Methodist Church, “the Holy Spirit is seen in the reception of the Holy Spirit, in the people’s experience with the Holy Spirit, and this results in their unity with one another. This is a miracle.”

And unity in the body of Christ is always a result of revival.

Rev. Feltner said, “There were signs and wonders. The whole audience came forward to be ministered to. All were receiving from the Lord.”

And as Jesus said, “These signs will accompany those who believe: In My name they will cast out demons; they will speak with new tongues; they will take up serpents; if they drink any deadly thing, it will not hurt them; they will lay hands on the sick, and they will recover” (Mark 16:17-18, MEV). {eoa}

James F. Linzey received a Bachelor of Arts degree in biblical studies at Vanguard University of Southern California (1979) and a Master of Divinity degree at Fuller Theological Seminary (1983), where he studied church growth under C. Peter Wagner and signs and wonders under John Wimber. He hosted Operation Freedom television and radio programs on the baptism with the Holy Spirit around the world. He authored The Holy Spirit and A Divine Appointment in Washington D.C. and is the chief editor of the Modern English Version Bible translation. He served as an Air Force and Army chaplain for 24 years, attaining the rank of Major, and authored “The Space Force Hymn (Creator of the Universe).” Listen to the full episode, “The Holy Spirit in Acts with Chaplain James F. Linzey,” on the Charisma Podcast Network here.

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