Sat. Oct 5th, 2024

Prophetic Dream: ‘Wisdom Speaks—Hold Fast the Head’

I had a dream some years ago that I knew was from God. It speaks of the headship of Christ.

In the dream, a woman who is a very mature spiritual leader was seated at a table that had a candle sitting on it. The room was completely dark; the candle was the only source of light. The candle was positioned in a square holder, and the woman was holding a glass case that was to be placed on top of the base. The case was four-sided and welded together with gold.

She was struggling trying to fit the case onto the base. There were ridges to hold it, but the case would not fit. I heard, “Wisdom speaks,” and the woman immediately knew that the case was upside down and had to be turned, as “the head was not at the top.” She turned it, and it fit in place perfectly.

The scene shifted and the woman was no longer present. There were now eight candles in the dark room, all identical to the first. I woke up. Immediately I heard the Lord say, “What will seem to be right is actually upside down. You are not looking at things correctly; the viewpoint must be the Head (Christ) at the top. For what is positioned at the top, given first place in your mind and heart, will create your viewpoint. You must hold fast the Head.”

“[A]nd not holding fast to the Head, from whom all the body, nourished and knit together by joints and ligaments, grows with the increase that is from God” (Col. 2:19, NKJV).

I heard the Lord say, “I am repositioning and realigning, in accordance with My designing. There will be a new fitting for proper alignment. Many are out of alignment, and I am bringing a shift to My people, for My headship is necessary in the days to come for wisdom and revelation to flow properly. Wisdom is the principal thing. I am forming a people rightly aligned to My headship, positioning together by My Spirit to bring forth the new move of My glory.”

Wisdom Speaks

Howbeit we speak wisdom among them that are perfect: yet not the wisdom of this world, nor of the princes of this world, that come to nought: but we speak the wisdom of God in a mystery, even the hidden wisdom, which God ordained before the world unto our glory” (1 Cor. 2:6-7, KJV).

The Spirit of Wisdom is pouring out upon His people to reveal those things that are turned upside down in our personal lives and corporately. What we are seeing in the natural is only a smidgen of what is happening in the spiritual realm.

It is easy to see what is upside down in others or the world, but God is showing His people what is upside down in our lives—our hearts and minds—so we can properly align to His Headship, wisdom and knowledge, to His ways that are higher than our ways. {eoa}

To read the rest of the prophetic word click here: Wisdom Speaks—Hold Fast the Head.

Alane Haynes is an author, speaker and apostolic/prophetic teacher. Alane has authored four books: Moses: Shocked in the Desert: Learning God’s Ways So We Can Enter the Promised Land, birthed from a prophetic dream and written from subsequent nights of being awakened by the Holy Spirit to “write what I tell you”; an accompanying Moses: Shocked in the Desert Study Guide; Called Unto His Presence, a compilation of Holy Spirit-inspired poetry; and Too Many Voices: My Journey from Confusion to Clarity. Alane’s prophetic blogs have been featured on the Elijah List, Spirit Fuel and other platforms.

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