Sat. Oct 5th, 2024

God’s 5 ‘Smooth Stones’ to Help You Be the Best Mom Ever

I went down on one knee. “Look at me, honey.” I turned my 4-year-old Joe’s face toward me. “What’s in your mouth?”


As the youngest of three, he never knew a mom with sight. A retinal disease robbed my sight when he was much younger. And my family’s adjustment was painfully inevitable.

I took him by the hand. “Is that chocolate I smell? It’s before dinner. C’mon young man, let’s spit it out.”

Outwardly I seemed in control. But I still questioned my ability as a blind mom. I fretted about their possible lack of confidence or even shame because of my blindness.

Mothering Without Sight Was Daunting

The tasks were challenging. I questioned my ways. Did I do too much? Not enough? Did I fail my sons in the way I corrected them? Was I too strict? Too lenient? Insecurities lay on the pillow beside me at night.

But along came David to save the day. Remember him as a boy? He was scrawny, a bit of a shy kid, the youngest of his brothers. And probably voted the least likely to succeed in the senior class of the local Shepherd high school.

And when Goliath showed up, David seemed inadequate, unprepared and way too weak to defeat the giant. But God knew different because He chose him. Skinny David held not a trace of insecurity, doubt or worry. He put on the backpack of courage and gathered five stones. But those stones weren’t what would defeat the big guy. But rather, David’s secret weapon called bold faith became the weapon to bring him victory.

Then David said to the Philistine, “You come to me with a sword, a spear, and a shield, but I come to you in the name of the Lord of Hosts, the God of the armies of Israel, whom you have reviled” (1 Sam. 17:44).

That’s the same way we come against insecurities in our mothering, in our doubt of our abilities, regret for what we did or failed to do. As we come against all of that in the name of the Lord, we put on our bold faith and gather our five stones. Even in these turbulent times, they are the secrets to succeed and be the best moms ever.

The stone of courage to stand firm and secure enough to know we have Christ’s power to silence the lies that whisper doubt and insecurities.

The stone of reassurance that God is with us every moment of every day to defeat fear, worry and anxiety.

The stone of wisdom, God-given wisdom to choose our words, direct our steps and guide our path.

The stone of trust to know God has His eyes on our kids. He will keep them safe, guard their lives and trace their steps.

— The stone of joy to erase gloom, sadness or disappointment.

This Mother’s Day, let’s celebrate not so much the perfect moms, but those who are perfectly devoted to Christ. Not the moms who have all the answers, but those who believe God has them. Not the moms who have it all together, but the moms who admit their weakness so God can make them strong. Not the moms who are raising stars, but those who teach them to rise above hard times. Not the moms who cover her kids with the latest fashion, but those who cover them with prayers.

God chose David. And He chose you, too. He hand-picked you to be the mom to those kiddoes. He didn’t leave David to bring down the giant on his own. He’s not leaving you alone either, as He’s already handed you the stones, He’s already given you the victory—in His power, In His might and in His name.

Let’s Pray

Father, may Your Word remind me You are watching over my kids, guiding them when I fail, teaching them when I don’t know how and protecting them when I’m not near them. In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen.

Which stones will you gather this Mother’s Day? {eoa}

Janet Perez Eckles is an international speaker and the author of four books. She has helped thousands conquer fear and bring back joy.

This article originally appeared at

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