Sat. Oct 5th, 2024

Prophetic Word: Prepare for a New Era of Change

In March of 2021 the Lord began speaking to me that we were entering a new era of change, and that the body of Christ needed to prepare for things like inflation as we’ve never seen it, food shortages and failure of power and energy supply. Over the next several weeks I received some of the most clear and detailed revelation I have ever been given. It had to do with taking steps to practically prepare for the possibility of hard times and the coming harvest of souls and the wave of glory that will accompany it.

It’s human nature that no one wants to think the worst possible situation could be a possibility, and to tend to believe what you want to believe. We can be lulled into thinking everything’s always going to stay the same—until it doesn’t. A parallel from history could be drawn from the circumstances in Nazi Germany that led up to World War II. Some Jews read the signs around them and grew uncomfortable enough to flee the country. Others didn’t want to believe the worst was possible and stayed.

Sometimes we can overspiritualize the coming harvest, but you can’t concentrate on the harvest of souls and adequately steward the expansion of the kingdom that’s coming if you’re scrambling around trying to care for your own daily needs—securing things like food, water and electricity. By then it will be too late. From the Parable of the Wise and Foolish Virgins in Matthew 25, we learn it’s better to prepare than to wait till it’s too late, and that change happens when you’re “sleeping” and least expect it. Even if all is not needed, it’s better to prepare than to wait till it’s too late.

In Matthew 24:32-33 (NKJV) Jesus told His disciples, “Now learn this parable from the fig tree: When its branch has already become tender and puts forth leaves, you know that summer is near. So you also, when you see all these things, know that it is near—at the doors!” I believe if you’re paying attention to the signs, common sense tells you it’s a good idea to prepare.

Listen to the podcast episodes:

Preparing for Change and Harvest

Preparing for Change and Harvest – Part 2

Preparing for Change and Harvest – Part 3 {eoa}

Diane Lake is a writer, speaker and minister ordained with both Christian International and Generals International. Her articles are regularly featured on The Elijah List, as well as platforms like Charisma Magazine, Charisma News, Intercessors For America and others. She and her husband, Allen, co-founded Starfire Ministries with a vision to see the kingdom established beyond the four walls of the traditional church. They host a podcast with Charisma Podcast Network, and serve as church mountain, regional and Montana coordinators for the Reformation Prayer Network and as media mountain leader/facilitators for C.I.’s Culture Influencers.

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