Sat. Oct 5th, 2024

Bill Johnson Was Provoked; It’s Time We Were

What is the tipping point from where we are in this precarious moment — not only America, but the world — where it seems evil is winning? Where good is called evil and evil called good?

What is going to tip the scales for revival and transformation? What will provoke us to contend for that deliverance?

Bill Johnson described how Mario Murillo provoked him personally to that place.

“In my early years in the Lord … I was not on fire in any way, but was much more nominal in the Lord. My parents would bring in Mario Murillo to preach. Mario had this way about him and would say, ‘Jesus is either Lord of all or not Lord at all.’ And that was exactly what I needed to hear.

“I was so inspired (18 or 19 years old at the time) because I had grown up seeing people older than me in love with Jesus, but I hadn’t run into that with many my age.

“What Mario was stirring up was a generation so passionate and in love with Jesus that it provoked me and I couldn’t shake it. Even though I was somewhat nominal in my walk (at that time), I would travel anywhere in northern California where Mario was preaching just to hear him draw the line in the sand again and declare what had to be done. To hear the power of his message, the miracles that would take place and see deliverances, healings and conversions.

“Around him were all these young people of that day … and it marked me. I had been a spectator in the things of God for months, but my membership to the observation team was about to expire.”

Are we still spectators? Isn’t it time that we were provoked to contend for revival and breakthrough to see a move of God that will step in and overturn the corruption that is ruling our nation?

It was because we were contending for breakthrough and revival that my friend Kyle and I reached out to Mario Murillo last October to come to Tulsa. Although Tulsa is seen by many as the “buckle of the Bible belt,” it is a city, like most in America, full of division and disunity, even among the churches. Where apathy and lukewarmness has overtaken many in the weariness of this hour.

Where many have simply given up and have felt there is no hope. That is not only untrue but dangerous.

We must have a move of God in America and I believe that on April 21-22 as Flashpoint and Mario Murillo come to the ORU Mabee Center, that it will be the beginning of a fire that will change this city and state. But more importantly, it will light a flame that will spread across our nation.

Several years ago, I had a vision from the Lord in which I saw a map of the world. On the map were small dots of fire that were scattered in every region. Then I saw as these small flames merged together and grew until the entire map was ablaze. “What am I seeing, Lord?” I asked.

“These are My prophets who have been hidden in the caves. Some banished there, removed from their seat of authority. Others hid voluntarily to escape the attack against them. I am now calling them out of the cave. Men and women who the world may not know their names, but I do. They carry My fire. And when they come out and proclaim My Word, they will set the world on fire.”

I believe that is the season in which we live and what we are about to see in Tulsa this week. And it is not just the prophets who are emerging. It is the Ekklesia (the governmental word used for the church) who have been hidden in Him, who have gone through the refining fire and are now pressing in to see His outpouring upon our nation and upon the world.

People have asked, “Why Tulsa? What is so special there?”

We recognize that revival is already breaking out in small hubs in other places across America, Canada, Australia, Ukraine, China, etc. because I believe this is a season of revival if we will recognize it and embrace it.

But there IS something special and important about Tulsa, because of what has transpired here and what needs to be uprooted. Tulsa holds a dark place of recognition as home to the biggest race riot in American history in 1921. Adding fuel to that fire is the current-day daily promotion of racism used to further divide us by skin color. It is being used to brainwash our children via Critical Race Theory, to train them from an early age in division placing shame on one group and instilling divisive pride in others.

The race card is being played almost daily in the media to keep us at odds with one another. Isn’t it just like God to provide an opportunity to change Tulsa’s history from a place of division and death, to bring life and a new wave of revival?

Could that happen in Tulsa? Could that happen in your city? Will we be provoked to contend for it?

Gene Bailey, host of Flashpoint, gave his thoughts as to what is about to take place in Tulsa and why it is an important part of the equation for revival.

“Tulsa is such a spiritual hub of America. There are so many great ministries that have come through Tulsa or are there now. Ministers and ministries such as Oral Roberts, Kenneth Hagin and Rhema Bible Training Center, T.L. Osborn … I will get in trouble if I start naming names,” he laughed. “But it’s no coincidence that the Mabee Center was designed as a replica of a tent. That makes the upcoming event April 21-22, where Flashpoint is joining with Mario Murillo in Tulsa, particularly poignant.

“It seems to be the right time and the right place to rally the people together. But this is not just rallying people, but it is for prayer, encouragement, hope and inspiration. We are deploying the body of Christ for our nation!” he finished.

As we consider all that has happened in America, especially since the takeover by the current administration, are we on the verge of the death of our nation or its resurrection and revival?

How do we contend for revival? Mario Murillo had something to say regarding that issue.

“The fountainhead of the last revival will become the opponent of the new revival,” he began. That is because historically while we expect God to do what He did in previous revivals, He rarely does. And so out of offense, we can reject the new thing He is doing.

“I look at Oral Roberts, Aimee Semple-McPherson, T.L. Osborn (who all stewarded revival) and immediately my reaction is I don’t want to know what they did. I want to know what they would do if they were here now. And I promise you it would be totally different than what they did,” Mario continued.

“The inspiration for revival is in the old well, but we are going to have to dig a new one. Tulsa will need something that doesn’t look like anything, sound like anything, or feel like anything they have ever had before because we have a God who is fixated on originality,” he concluded.

So, will we be provoked to contend for revival in our own hearts? In your own city as well as for our nation? Like Bill Johnson, years before, may our membership as spectators come to an end as we choose to join what God is doing and is about to do, as we contend for revival and for our nation.

How to Watch the Tulsa Event

Thursday, April 21, watch Flashpoint Live from 8:00 to 9:00 p.m. EST by clicking here.

Friday, April 22, the Mario Murillo miracle service will be livestreamed from 8:00 to 10:00 p.m. EST, on the Christian Television Network. Go to, or you can view on Direct TV 376, Dish Network 262, Glory Star Satellite channel 117, and Apstar. {eoa}

For additional information about the two-day event, go to

Karen Hardin is a literary agent and writer. She is the author of Infected: How to Stop the Global Spread of Rage, Deception and Insanity and God’s Justice after Injustice. Her work has been published in USA Today, Western Journal, World Net Daily, Intercessors for America, Charisma, and more. She is also the co-founder of the prayer movement and founder of to take back our cities and nation.

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