Sat. Oct 5th, 2024

Prophetic Word: The Lord Says, ‘I Am Setting Things Straight’

The Spirit of the Lord says this day, “Let God arise and let His enemies be scattered. For this is a time of great scattering—of the great scramble. This is a time where monopolies of the wicked shall and will be broken up,” says the Lord.

The Lord of hosts says, “I am a God of mercy; however, I am also a God of justice, of order and of righteousness. What men have done—men and women in leadership, in media, in the world of socials — what they have said, what they have done, has become a stench in My nostrils,” says the Lord. “For their words are nothing more than clanging noise … meaningless, substanceless … railing accusations. For when Michael was contending for the body of Moses, he dared not bring a railing accusation but said, ‘The Lord rebuke you.‘ The ‘railings’ are going to derail during this time; their ramblings have begun their downward spiral.”

‘I Am Setting Things Straight’

The Lord of hosts says, “In this season, I am setting things straight and setting things right, as they have become disjointed. One thing has bled into another in ways I, the Lord God, never desired, but men have mixed tonics that do not glorify Me, that actually raise up thorns and brambles to coil around the things men should truly concern themselves with.”

The Spirit of the Lord says this day, “I, in this season, shall do much pruning, for much has overgrown, and vines have coiled around it.

They are not who you think they are,” says the Lord. “This sentence shall ring true for many as the veil is removed, the filters are removed and the show is removed. And, truly, what men have kept hidden and locked up in their closets—all the skeletons, all the snares, all the vices, the rebellions, what is buried under the rubble of so much anger, resentment, greed, jealously, the emotional wrecks that have become overgrown weeds—I, the Lord, in this hour, am commanding that which has been locked up and away, and hidden, to be opened and marched out before the people.”

The Lord of hosts says, “Be careful and consider what and who you believe, because motives are very impure and desperation has set in. A name for themselves shall they make, but it shall be them—naked and exposed on the ash heap of their own making, as I the Lord now set My purifying fire to it and truly burn away all the mess that men have made of their lives. Finger-pointing shall and will make a very large U-turn right back onto the accusers, the placaters, the prognosticators, the conflicted men who have wandered down dark paths with dark thoughts and influences that now think they can accurately speak on matters from My throne,” says the Lord of hosts.

There Shall Be a Big Bang and a Whirlwind of a Tailspin

The Spirit of the Lord says this day, “The clock is ticking, and there shall be a big bang, since science has so twisted this term. However,” says the Lord, “there shall be a bang! This one shall be felt across multiple states and reported widely, as the time has come for I, the Lord, to allow their own explosiveness to befall them.”

The Spirit of the Lord says this day, “Kings going to war, all for convoluted, corrupt reasons … A little bit of right being mixed with much that is still wrong … I the Lord see into the depths of the heart, and fear, paranoia, and a death grip on power that is long overdue to change, has been a driving motivation in such.

“However, when kings go to war, their ‘leaderships’—even themselves—do fall,” says the Lord. “Just look at Saul in My Word (1 Samuel),” says the Lord. “Saul was a tormented, conflicted man, and when it came to following My commands, it was a slippery slope; the Amalekites, the line of Haman, was so birthed. Saul did a little bit of right and mixed it with a whole lot of wrong when he disobeyed direct and specific orders from Me, the Lord his God. And so the kingdom was torn away from him, and the Spirit of the Lord departed from him; his days were numbered, as the paranoia and tormented covering so set in, and Saul went into a tailspin.

“A whirlwind of a tailspin,” says the Lord of hosts. “A sand whirlwind you shall see—historic, enormous—to confirm what has been spoken this day.”

A Great Shaking and a Split Where Russia, Europe and China So Sit

The Spirit of the Lord says this day, “During the time of Passover, there shall be a great shaking, where the ground shall split in the hotbed of activity where Russia and Europe and China so sit. For I, the Lord, am so shaking the sleeping awake. Slumber is departing as rude awakenings so set in. A surprise for leadership in many nations shall leave many baffled and scratching their heads, as heads of state shall fall and prime ministers alike. For I the Lord, before My throne, have judged them for their crimes, and the cauldron of blood and bribes and experiments that they mixed, making a blasphemous cup of iniquity that now must be poured out.”

Their Champion Is Falling

The Spirit of the Lord says this day, “Goliath fell, when kings went to war, by the unlikeliest of me—a brazen young shepherd boy named David with a stone and a sling. And so what was laughed at and ignored as a threat was so the downfall of the champion of the Philistines. Their champion is falling in the unlikeliest of ways,” says the Lord. “The intel is being mixed with lies to ensnare and get those to get the eyes of the people elsewhere. Come unto Me, truly in surrender, and I will show you the keys and the doors to which they go.”

For the rest of this prophetic word, visit {eoa}

Amanda Grace and her husband, Chris, are the founders of Ark of Grace Ministries (located in the beautiful Hudson Valley), walking out the commission in Mark 16:15: “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature.” They minister to all of God’s creation, both people and animals. They prophetically minister and teach, breaking down the Word of God (which is living and active) by examining the Hebrew and Greek roots of the Bible, as well as the times when it was written, to understand the true context of the Scriptures and apply them to life. Another way that Amanda and Chris minister at Ark of Grace is through their animal Sanctuary, where they take in lost, abandoned, disabled animals and show them the love of God. Amanda also takes care of her husband, Chris, who sustained a traumatic brain injury in January 2019 and miraculously survived. They have both experienced and understand the incredible power of Almighty God and how He redeems! They teach others—through their testimony, biblical teaching, the prophetic, and life lessons of caring for the residents of their animal sanctuary—how the Lord can move in every circumstance of life.

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