Thu. Sep 19th, 2024

3 Reasons Why Christianity Is Not a Religion

If you’re looking for religion, Pastor Jack Hibbs says Christianity is probably not for you. It’s much, much more than that, says Hibbs, the lead pastor of Calvary Chapel in Chino Hills, California.

“This may be offensive,” Hibbs says, “but unlike Islam, unlike Judaism, Christianity is not technically a religion. Those other [religions] are man’s attempt to reach a deity. Christianity is when the God of all creation came down into this world and clothed Himself in human skin that He might experience what you and I experience so that you and I might have a faithful, compassionate, tender high priest to cry out to—Jesus Christ.”

Hibbs says there are three main differences between religion and a relationship with God:

  1. With Christianity, God speaks. “He knows nothing about a silent religion. It doesn’t exist,” Hibbs says. “I see a contrast between the true living God of the Bible and all of the dumb idols that have been crafted throughout millennia. They can’t hear. They can’t speak. They can’t smell. They can’t relate.”

Hibbs then draws the comparison.

“Our God is a God who communicates,” he says. “The God of the Bible speaks. If today you have a god who is not speaking, I suggest you get a new God.”

  1. We can hear God speak. “We often think that He’s the silent God because we think He’s not speaking,” Hibbs says. “Oh, He’s speaking to you. Our problem is we are so busy. We’re so cluttered. We have so much noise going on. I’m convinced He’s always speaking.”

He then admits, “I rarely listen. When I relax and calm down, when I’m gardening or mowing the lawn, God speaks to me more in times like that or in times of isolation. It’s deep. It’s internal. And it’s a revelation of words or knowledge or instruction.”

  1. God knows all your secrets. Pastor Hibbs impersonated a congregation member who has secrets. “‘Oh, Pastor, all my life I’ve been hoping and praying nobody finds out about that thing. It has burdened me for 50 years. It has weighed upon me. It’s crushing me.'”

He replied to his imaginary congregant, “God knows all secrets. He knows them all.” Then he addressed the crowd, “In Psalm 139:2, it says, ‘You know my sitting down and my rising up. You understand my thought afar off.’ Isn’t that bizarre? God knows what you’re going to think of in the next 15 seconds or 15 minutes.

“Are you here for religious purposes? You should be here for personal reasons. You should come to this place saying, ‘Where’s God? I want God.’ I’m happy to report that, yes, He’s a God who speaks. He speaks to nations, speaks to cultures and He speaks to you personally. He’s a good God. He’s a forgiving God.”

For more of this message, watch this video. {eoa}

Rob Vischer is a freelance writer for Charisma Media.

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